Discussion for article #235516
"Limit “the state’s right to discriminate” but not limit an individual in their hatred of anything they don’t like or are afraid of.
Why don’t you fuckers give it up already?
Because of how they “won” with regards to abortion. Basically, they think that they can limit LGBT rights a nibble at a time the same way that they did with abortion in order to win in the long run. What they don’t understand is that it is possible limit abortion (which is a private service) but not LGBT rights (which is a public rights issue).
Just what kind of “heat” is that
I would love to see this guy get suckered with one of those no-discrimination amendments. I don’t care what someone’s beliefs are about gay marriage (well, not much) but I certainly care about whether they act in a discriminatory way. So I’m fine with no state action because of belief, as along as it’s made clear that state action in response to bigoted actions is just fine. Bet he wouldn’t be.
What freedom(s) were taken away that you had to restore?
A Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage will be the new Roe v. Wade with multiple years of legislation attempting to chip away at it.
Such a handsome woman, too!
Too True.
They can afford to do this because Louisiana is such an economic powerhouse. They don’t have to worry about driving major corporations away, or about losing convention business.
What’s that you say?
“My bill is different because what others call discrimination we call love”…so there’s that…lol
“Was a different bill, it’s a new concept and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to clarify that.”
“Will you fuckers just get off my back?!!”
ANYtime ANY politician says he’s “looking forward to explaining something” it usually means the exact opposite or he’s going to court.
Now, there you go being reasonable and all … I’m pretty sure it won’t fly in Piyush Land.
Add this to the mounting evidence that it is probably always a good idea to prevent small children from exposure to religion. They become twisted adults
Totally different issue. They “won” the abortion debate because the ACLU “lost”.They ACLU lost because of their overall litigation strategy, which over the years painted themselves into a corner. Also, some people object to abortion for more than religious reasons alone. The same cannot be said for the LGBT rights issue which has been much smarter in pursing their agenda.
All it will take is ONE Satanist saying this allows them to distribute literature to children and this gargoyle will get repealed faster than it takes The Flash to get the mail.
Which was my point. The Conservatives have this view that they can win regarding LGBT Rights the same way that they “won” with abortion, but the reality is that the issues are very different and what worked with one is not going to work with the other.
And that is what Justice Ginsburg has lamented as well. She felt that R. v Wade was too much, too fast, too soon. That is one reason she has been reluctant at a more sweeping ruling up to now. I believe Kennedy might feel the same way, if I am interpreting his comments, rulings, etc. Truly, right now in our nation’s history would be a great time to break new legal ground and stipulate in their ruling that the GLBTQ community has a very long history in our nation of being institutionally, religiously and governmentally persecuted and that very history is well enough legal reason for the courts to view cases regarding our community with heightened scrutiny. With an establishment of heightened scrutiny, the vast majority of the inevitable asshole-attacks from the many various hate groups and their backers would almost never see the light of day once the lower courts start applying the newer scrutiny handed down by SCOTUS. The lower court have almost all done a wonderful job of following SCOTUS’ lead in the last couple of years on the marriage issue.
I’m looking forward to the opportunity to clarify that.
Um, your mouth is moving and sounds are coming out…so, why not start clarifying now?