Discussion: GOPer: Abortion Language Ensures Docs Aren't Killing A Child 'Just To Kill' A Child

Discussion for article #237104

They should be docked pay for the days they spend on a bill already declared unconstitutional. Then, personally, be held liable for the legal challenges they will unleash.


What the fuck does this nitwit think doctors do?


It’s right up there with these idiots purporting that lots of women will pretend they were victims of rape or incest.

I sincerely despise these people!


Really, why invite testimony when they don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks?

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Where in hell did Wisconsin find so many idiots?

Here’s one for you legislative fucktards; at 20 weeks the term you want isn’t ‘child’ it is ‘fetus’.


His next bill will be to stop cops from driving just to write tickets.


“we have language added that we want to make sure that it’s not gonna be intentional killing of the child just to kill the child,”

-simultaneously one of the stupidest and most offensive statements I have heard in a while.


Remember, there are LOTS of German-Catholics and Lutherans in Wisconsin and the Churches still hold sway out-state.
There are also lots of morons. After all, they elected: Scott Walker, Sen. Johnson, and Rep. Paul Ryan. What more proof do you need that this once-progressive state has devolved into Mississippi-North?

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This law is specifically designed to make doctors too afraid to administer a legal medical procedure.

The 20 week limit is not by accident and it is a truly heartless regulation. In all other medical matters women are allowed the sanctity of doctor patient privacy.

88% of all abortions take place before the 12th week. Less than 2% occur after the 20th week. The 20th week is 4.5 months. The majority of women who seek abortions after 20 weeks wanted to allow their fetus to develop into a healthy baby but have discovered a cataclysmic reason for needing to terminate the pregnancy. Most insurance policies only allow one ultrasound during a pregnancy and recommend that the appointment happen after the 18th week of pregnancy or the 4th month and you are into your second trimester.

These laws are designed to keep doctors from helping their female patients and denying a legal standard of medical care to them. It’s keeping many doctors from even learning how to do this procedure. It’s the back door way to keep women from accessing a legal procedure by ensuring that there aren’t any doctors willing to take the risk of being accused of a felony.

Each of these laws cost at minimum $1million to put forward. There are so many negative INTENDED consequences of this regulation. If you’ve heard these people speak about abortions they really believe that women should be forced to carry a stillborn fetus until labor begins or to be forced to carry to full term a non-viable fetus. http://www.nationalpartnership.org/research-library/repro/bad-medicine-download.pdf

The list is egregious and demonstrates that Republicans don’t believe in freedom and are for highly onerous regulations that cost money and don’t provide any community benefit for the high cost of the regulation. It demonstrates that Republicans have no interest in low regulations or freedom or any of the other things they disingenuously go on about as being part of their value system.

This law has ZERO to do with valuing life. It instead is an anti-science policy designed to severely to limit abortions at any stage of gestation by treating OB/GYNs as possible criminals who have to defend every abortion that they administer.


 don’t doctors make people sick just to cure them?
That is essentially that idiots reasoning.

For some reason that escapes me republicans, the party of small government, the party who wants to drown government in a bathtub wants to control every aspect of human reproduction. They literally think a woman’s uterus is state property to do with as the state pleases but a man’s balls aren’t.

When a state government builds a road or a building they consult engineers and architects. But, when deciding about medical issues? It’s OK to let a hack lawyer write the bill and make medical decisions that ought to be between a woman and her doctor. If I had the chance I’d ask these dolts to explain how a pregnancy test works. If they can grasp those basic ideas then I’ll listen.

“Wisconsin state Rep. Jesse Kremer ¼ said Tuesday during a legislative
hearing that a proposed 20-week abortion ban was meant to ensure that
physicians and medical personnel weren’t intentionally killing a child
“just to kill the child.””

There ought to be laws against this sort of egregious stupidity

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So it’s true there is another Republican that’s actually dumber than Louie Gohmert?

State Sen. Mary Lazich Âź, who also sponsored the bill, said she would prefer to be cared for by physicians who are pro-life.

Would you really, Mary?

“The death of Savita Halappanavar on 28 October 2012, at University Hospital Galway in Ireland, led to nationwide protests—which spilled over into India, Britain and many other countries—calling for a review of the abortion laws in Ireland. Halappanavar, a woman of Indian origin, was suffering from a miscarriage (which was later assessed to be most likely due to a bacterial infection),[1][2] when she was some 17 weeks pregnant, she sought medical attention and treatment at University Hospital Galway. Beginning no earlier than the date of her hospital admission, October 21, her requests for an abortion were refused, instead being told that, because the fetus had a heartbeat and her life did not appear to be in danger, this was not legal.[3] On one occasion she was told “it was the law, that this is a Catholic country.”[4] On the night of October 23, according to her husband, Praveen, Halappanavar, was standing in a restroom and collapsed.[5] The following day the foetal remains were removed from her uterus in the operating theatre after a diagnosis of septic shock made by a consultant,[6] per Irish law. Savita Halappanavar’s septicemia further deteriorated despite being treated with oral antibiotics for infection since late October 22 and intravenous antibiotics since October 24.[7] Both were ineffective and her condition rapidly evolved to the point of organ failure and finally cardiac arrest and death on 28 October 2012.[8][9][10]”

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Who knew that when these asshats in the Wisconsin legislature won a seat they also automatically became OB/GYNs

Refresh my memory. Wasn’t it the Republicans who were screaming that they wanted to keep government out of our healthcare? I seem to remember something like that when the ACA was being debated. I guess they meant they wanted to keep government out of men’s healthcare. Its A-OK for government to intrude into women’s reproductive healthcare.

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ronik, when speaking of female reproductive health care republicans want a tent city in every uterus 
kinda like the old political adage “a car in every garage and a chicken in every pot” (from the depression years).
Love and protect the “pre-born”, hate and despise and underfund the “post-born”.
This year in Arizona K-12 education has been cut $350 million, higher ed cut $100 million, Child Protective Services cut, life time welfare now is for only one year in one’s lifetime. I have watched the universities in AZ (3 state schools) cut every year for 45 years. Oddly that exactly is how long republicans have held majorities in both state chambers.
Repubs hate health insurance. It matters not that the ACA in essence was a republican creature (heritage Foundation and Romneycare).
Repubs are all for elimination of rules and regs. when it comes to infrastructure, food safety etc but woman’s reproductive care? Then they’re all in every available uterus ready, willing and able to make it state property.

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They are perfectly willing to starve a fetus in the womb. And they don’t fund pre-natal care either.

I’m really aghast at what they’re doing. It sickens me and makes my heart hurt. I can’t believe the country has come to this.