“He’s afraid people will want to kill him”
Well yeah
They do
Does anyone who says 5hat this race is tightening have any polls to back it up? No, of course not. I would love to see Espy win. But I see no evidence of this happening. In Mississippi, a Democtat can`t get the 30% of the white vote needed to win a statewide race.
But but but,
The gop doesn’t worry about the country being in peril as trump and his mob destroy the fabric of democracy.
insane, is it not?
In between cheeseburgers he gets all the military, combat insight he needs right in the Oval Office.
After all, he was a cadet.
What “missteps”? Lynchings and voter suppression are right in her wheelhouse.
The more I think about it…
I’m pretty sure there is no such thing as “Too overtly racist” in Mississippi.
Would be strange days indeed should it prove overt racism gets you elected in Florida but not Mississippi.
hypocritical Senator
You mean that she is only pretending to be racist? I don’t think so she is sincere and Mississippians have the right to elect one of their own.
If the GOP was smart they would Hyde-Smith before the election!
They should have hidden her a long time ago.
Your GOP… Hang 'em High!
“Racially charged”? Come on, TPM. You, at least, should be able to describe racism as “racist.”
Mississippi Burning, Part II
Mississippi missteps = feature, not bug
Agreed,but they were all beneficiaries of some of the most aggessive voter suppression practiced…
Is Mississippi free of voter suppression?
Horsepucky. She didn’t ‘misstep’. Trump didn’t ‘misspeak’. They are racists and bigots who think anyone who COMMENTS on their ‘words’ are just flaming liberals who are entirely TOO PC. Screw 'em. Hold them ACCOUNTABLE.
With the moronic and hypocritical president supporting her how can she lose?
Afraid people want to kill him?
Well, he’s not wrong. It kinda comes with the job. The day Obama took office, death threats to him and his family rose 400% over the previous administration. Grow up, trumpy.
Well this special run off will be interesting since it looks like MS is straight forward go to the polls to vote kind of system. I wonder how they’ll handle absentee ballots?