Discussion: GOP Turned Lynch Hearing Into 'Soundbite Factory For Fox News,' Dem Fumes

Discussion for article #232654

“This solemn occasion has been co-opted to that extent and turned into what appears to be a soundbite factory for Fox News and conspiracy theorists everywhere. We actually have a nominee in front of us. … We should get about the business of voting on her.”

PERFECT. But watch the entire clip. Whitehouse goes on to defend Holder and even noted the terrible state the DOJ was in before Holder took the helm. It was a thing of beauty.


Loved it

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[Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse] added: "This solemn occasion has been co-opted to that extent and turned into what appears to be a soundbite factory for Fox News and conspiracy theorists everywhere. We actually have a nominee in front of us. ... We should get about the business of voting on her."

Reached for comment, the White House agreed with Whitehouse.


That’s the best smackdown since Big Show threw Hulk over the top ring rope.


I adore Sheldon Whitehouse; always have, always will. The roster of great Dems doesn’t end with Elizabeth Warren.


Bravo to Sen. Whitehouse.! The Repubs on this committee have not only turned the hearing into a "sound bite factory for Fox News . . . " but have tried to make it a lynching (no pun intended) of Eric Holder. Absolutely shameful! Ms. Lynch deserves to be confirmed forthwith and AG Holder deserves our profound thanks for his excellent tenure as Attorney General.


I do loves it when articulate, intelligent politicians get 'left’eously indignant .

I would love a few more reactions recorded from the miscreants, tho.


The AG hearings? EVERYTHING the modern GOP does is geared for Fox, either to reach the mouth-breathing dimwits who watch it and happen to coincidentally be their voters, or else as a tryout for a job after politics.

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Fox and MegaCircusChurches have been created to make it easier to manipulate
those who love wallowing in willful ignorance.


This was wonderful, but every time Senator Whitehouse has spoken about an issue in the past, he always delivers the smackdown. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see him nearly enough.


The GOP has been doing this since Reagan. They are good propagandists, using every opportunity to sell the message.

FOX merely amplifies the garbage.


And the repugs are not embarrassed even a little bit about this.

To all Democrats everywhere, do what this guy did. It’s not just that our ideas are correct and that they work, it’s equally important to point out that Republican ideas are wrong and have been proven wrong, repeatedly.


Yes, Whitehouse always brings passion and gravitas.
And, as a former US Attorney, he knows of what he speaks.


i caught that segment where he went thru the litany of doj misdeeds under bush and how holder was left with a demoralized, chaotic mess to clean up. i’m certainly no fan of holder, but whitehouse’s smackdown was awesome.


He did raise a few eyebrows and pointed the fingers directly at the guilty parties. It was a masterful performance.


It really was. Oh and how he went to each of the people testifying and noting what they were there for (and not there for). Even the lady who was for Voter ID and had her clarify that that was not a Lynch issue. I appreciated how the camera showed who he was talking to and followed each person who Whitehouse was talking to/about.
Wonderful. Nice way to call each and every one of them out. And it especially called out how dumb the Republicans are being with this.

Whitehouse also bought up how much the GOP dislikes having Holder as AG and what a benefit it would be to them if they would move this process along and confirm Lynch already. It’s an excellent point. But of course, they want to use this opportunity to grandstand.

And finally, I get a kick out of how much they don’t like Holder (I’m actually a fan of his). I mean, he really gets to them, so much they are using this confirmation hearing as a means to attack him since they can’t do it to his face. Bunch of cowards.


Thank You, Senator Whitehouse!!

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I really like Senator Whitehouse and enjoyed his remarks. Also quite pleased that the AG nominee is so very appropriate and commanding that the sob sister and weakling GOP whiners faded into the background where they should stay…