Discussion for article #244880
So basically, Drumpf has the 4Chan-slash-/b/ bloc wrapped up.
Makes sense. They’re pretty much the “Smell My Finger” army anyways.
Anime? Bible Spice DVDs is more like it.
That must be New Yorkers, right ?
I mean, the technical term for this demographic is “New York Male Republicans” ?
This will no doubt be a very persuasive pitch in convincing all those Trump supporters to switch to a more “establishment” GOP candidate.
They skew older, so probably wit the aid of Viagra.
I’m not saying this man is wrong. I am saying his claim is SUSPICIOUSLY SPECIFIC.
Well, that pretty much explains and validates “New York values”…
So Trump’s supporters are the entire middle management workforce in Osaka and Kyoto?
With all the incendiary rhetoric that won’t get him hired if Trump wins the primaries…
“I don’t think that this other stuff that Trump is toying with is really part of the mainstream conservative movement by any stretch of the imagination,” he said.
That’s the money quote for this guy. And this is where he’s falling into the same trap as the rest of the Republican “establishment” players. He thinks he can force everyone to play by his definition of “conservative”… and that ship has sailed into the rocks on Trump Island.
As a childless single man myself, I’d like to invite the bigoted dimwit Republican asslicker, in the immortal words of Dick Cheney on our Senate floor, to go fuck himself. Say that to my face, Koch sucker.
Fap lives matter.
Non Sequitur explains Republican angst this morning
“The fact of the matter is, most of them are childless single men who masturbate to anime.”
This is an interesting thesis. What kind of research has he done to support it?
That may be the weirdest tune anyone ever whistled past the graveyard.
Those are our only two choices in life, huh? I know it’s a joke and of course I will grant that Republicans are science-deniers and irrational fundamentalists. But still I wonder how science fetishizing has become equated with being a progressive.
Why, he masturbated to anime for 6 weeks and found he was starting to find Trump’s ideas compelling…
It just keeps getting classier.
The White Guy Party cries out in anguish: “let my people cum!”
GOP is Teh Awesome.
Trump should really wrap up all those single dudes (no necessarily childless) by announcing Sarah Palin as his running mate. Oh, and purchasing more stock in Cialis, Viagra and others … perhaps even Glide or KY.
it doesn’t have anything to do with fetishizing science…
one is presented with facts and you look at them and make a decision based on those facts… you can challenge the facts as presented and offer alternatives that can then be analyzed and determined to be be true or false but in the end facts will out…
you can’t challenge a set of facts by offering as an alternative a work of fiction, the bible for instance, and declare the facts are wrong based on that belief…
humans didn’t co-exist with dinosaurs… the earth is much much older than 6000 years…
none of this necessarily makes you ‘progressive’ or ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’…