Discussion for article #233318
Moron! An intercontinental nuclear weapon would set off early warning systems in Russia and China, they would have less than 5 minutes to decide weather they are being attacked, and then launch their own missiles. Game over.
Once a weapon is detonated, those inside the fire zone will not survive the ensuing firestorm, even if they are in a deep basement or underground shelter. Since the firestorm requires only tens of minutes to develop and create air temperatures well above the boiling point of water, along with hurricane force winds which drive the flames horizontally at ground level, there is virtually no time to escape. Strategic nuclear weapons create firestorms over total areas of hundreds or thousands square kilometers or miles.
However, in a large nuclear war, deadly climate change would cause average surface temperatures on Earth to become so cold that it would become impossible to grow food crops for many years. Even those who escaped the initial fire, blast and radioactivity would eventually starve to death.
No military service or background relating to the use of nuclear weapons, but he plays the fiddle and travels to Africa, forcing his noxious Christian BS on poor and uneducated Africans!
“Rapert and his wife have two daughters. He plays the fiddle, which he learned to play by ear when he was ten years old.
Rapert is the founder and president of Holy Ghost Ministries, and he makes missionary visits to Ghana on a yearly basis.”
The first, most stupid knee jerk reaction is always the use of overwhelming force but it simply does not work the same way they show in the movies. It would leave an even bigger mess to clean up. Why that lesson is so hard to learn for some who knows, but people keep wanting to repeat the same mistakes, over and over again
Orwell was talking about a different group’s naiveté in a different time, but the phrase is still often appropriate: “a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.”
Apparently, Sen. Rapert doesn’t understand the concept of war crimes. I’m sure he thinks Jesus would have nuked Rome if he’d had an ICBM. In short, he is the kind of Christianist who gives religion a bad name.
not sure why everyone is getting their feathers ruffled so much. Yes, he’s a dumbshit who apparently doesn’t understand that ISIS is not conveniently gathered all in one place, or that the fallout from use of a nuke - in every sense of the word - would be much worse than the problem. Idiots get elected to state legislatures all the time, and fortunately they have exactly zero influence or control over use of nuclear weapons. I would be more concerned about his attitudes about rape and access to family planning services, things over which he can actually have some influence.
This is what you get when you elect morons who only talk to each other and listen to bat-shit-Reich-Wing radio.
They say (and do) incredibly STUPID things because they live in a fantasy world where everything is solved with the flick of a switch, or the pull of a trigger and then everyone high-fives and laughs and goes out for a beer and the commercials come on.
That is not reality.
Well I am a Marine Corps combat veteran and no leftest liberal and this idea is just stupid. The thing is, there are no moral wars. There may be just wars, but innocent civilians always die in war and wars are by definition immoral. You add up all of the civilians killed by ISIS and their ilk - ever - and the use of even a single tactical nuclear weapon would kill 10-100 times that many. ISIS is not hold-up in caves; their strongholds are in major cities throughout the middle east. So how many (more) innocent men, women and children is this moron prepared to kill to make the world safe from people who kill innocent men, women and children?
They ALL give religion a bad name. Religion sucks.
Part of our mission in the region, supposedly is to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons - we went to war with Iraq for that albeit falsely, we are talking to Iran about getting rid of these weapons although some would rather we not talk and just bomb them like we did Iraq. Then this genius comes and says we should go ahead and use the very weapons we are trying to prevent others from using.
How does that bode well for our own national security ? What of the astounding number of innocent people that will inevitably get affected because the evil ISIS will deploy human shields.
Maybe he needs an infusion of common sense?
It’s not the stupid. State legislatures are great reservoirs of stupid. It’s the Palinesque aggressive reactionary stupidity that doubles down on the stupid when confronted that’s the real innovation of the twenty first century.
The State Rep’s 2nd suggestion?
John Wick…
Pure theater, give me a break. How is anyone taking this seriously?
Crewman - agree - suspect that those proposing this approach have absolutely no problem with collateral carnage - since they perceive that it would consist of Muslim civilians - which they view simply as not-yet-activated terrorists.
I think apocalyptic destruction is pretty much the bread-and-butter of Christianity…
Simple solution for a simple mine.
If we want to get really wacky, Senator, why not drop all sanctions against Iran and allow or even encourage them to have the bomb? As Shiites, they are far more threatened by ISIS than the US is,since ISIS has killed only a few Americans (none within the US) while it has killed thousands of Shiites. I mean, if we are going to just be crazy, why not be totally bat-shit crazy?
Note to Josh. If you put “Arkansas” in the headline you would save a lot of us the trouble of clicking through to the story.
Exactly. Using this guys logic, we should never have removed the chemical weapons from Syria.