Countdown to “why can’t you LIBRULZ take a joke?” and/or “it’s about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, LIBTARD”.
In 3…2…1…
Hyuck hyuck all in good fun / can’t you take a joke? / wow PC police alert! / my best friend was hit by a car / I was in a pacifist group on campus / y’all need to lighten up / obviously I would never advocate actual violence but don’t they kind of have it coming for protesting / (I do sorta wish this kind of thing would happen more) / but jeez loosen up a little / it’s free speech okay? / you just don’t understand my economic anxiety
“I am sorry if people took offense to it and perceived my message in any way insinuating support or condoning people being hit by cars,” DiSanto said, according to the Rapid City Journal. “I perceived it differently.”
That´s one of the most passive/aggressive non-apology apologies I´ve heard in a while.
Expect the decrying of an assault on her freedom of speech by the right wing. Freedom of speech does not guarantee freedom from consequences.
Female MUNT say what?
I don’t have a Facebook account. I don’t fricking care about your babies, your dogs, your lunch or your vacations. And Brittany graduating from high school is not goddamned earth shattering news. However, I must say Facebook membership does seem to result in more than a few idiots losing their jobs, and for that we all should be thankful.
PS-Your new motorcycle is a stupid waste of money. You’re a greeter at Walmart for chrisake.
I can think of better reasons to want to ram your car into someone, that’s for sure, but if you’re too stupid to realize that traffic around a protest area is going to be slow or at a complete stop then you ought to run yourself over for being a dipshit.
“I perceived it differently,” is a quote for the ages.
This obvious lie would be worse if she weren’t lying. Anyone whose perception is that whack shouldn’t be trusted about any subject.
A local columnist had a good piece on it today. A local law clerk thought it would be a good idea to lynch our AG and posted it on Facebook He is suing for his job back after he was fired for it
It strikes me that, in the rant-first-think-later age of social media, it’s time for a refresher on what the First Amendment actually means.
It means that you have a right to speak your mind.
It does not mean that you can’t face consequences for doing so.
It means you can say vile, bizarre or offensive things without worrying about the government throwing you in jail.
It does not mean that you are guaranteed to an $86,000-a-year paycheck, regardless of how you behave.
I think most of us know this.
I know, for instance, that if I took to Twitter to trash my boss or spout racist views, I could lose my job.
The old PBD is clearly rendered more accurately as PBDR: Pretty but dumb Republican.
“A local law clerk thought it would be a good idea to lynch our AG and posted it on Facebook. He is suing for his job back after he was fired for it.”
I had a good belly laugh after reading that. Thanks.
The real estate office got rid of her. But her Republican seat in the state legislature is safe. That says something.
“Not long after the post was deleted, the real estate firm where she works posted on Facebook that DiSanto was no longer associated with the company, “due to recent events,” Rapid City Journal reported.”
the wages of spin…
Trump’s effect has isolated the mean girls and the bully boys into a perpetual clusterbunch, easily identified by their careless sharing of self-destructive kneejerk expressions of arrogant contempt.
She’s a wannabe postergirl, though, with Republicans “there can be only one” and they already have their abiding bimbo…
I’m betting if a person worked for a rabid Trump supporter posting this sort of bile would be greeted as a sign of being in the club. Actually lauded and laughed at. As time goes by the same segregated self selection demographers cite people practicing when seeking a neighborhood to live in (due to racial, income or political factors) will happen more often when seeking work. Certainly the retrograde vulgarians that lionize Trump will seek out employers with management and owners possessed of the same allegiances.
“I am sorry if people took offense to it and perceived my message in any way insinuating support…"
Her caption above the image said “I think this is a movement we can all support…”
Uhhh, it’s really baffling, isn’t it? Why would people possibly “perceive” your support for it when you literally wrote your support for it???
Hard to find any historical comparisons, it struck me as a flailing attempt at something like “I’m not the droid you’re looking for…”
Obi Wan can pull it off, this lady, not so much.
But if you say anything towards THEM (white nationalists), they freak out and call for an ESPN journalist to be fired FROM THE WHITE HOUSE (talk about bizarre for a President to act like that…a 5 year old) for correctly calling Trump and white supremacist.
She’s blonde and moderately attractive. Look for her to have her own Fox News slot soon, knocking down $200k a year spouting the same bile to millions.
and that is how all “the best people” got together… wonder how its working out for them?