Discussion: GOP Sens To Introduce Bill To Give Some DACA Recipients A Path To Citizenship

Deportation for a preexisting condition? Oh Noes you might need healthcare - so no citizenship for you! ???


Well, there’s always voter suppression and Putin… :expressionless:


Medical exams are required for LPR applicants as well (it’s been this way for a long time), so as a general matter of things with the immigration office (INS/USCIS) this part doesn’t particularly surprise me. But we are having not so general a context now, and we need to see more details.


get their DNA and see where it leads.

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My reaction exactly.

That guy is creepy as fuck. His entire pre-political career was as a youth minister and camp director for the Oklahoma Baptist Convention. I cannot imagine sending a kid to any place where he’s in charge.

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they have been living here for 15+ years. similar to citizens who were born here but to undocumented parents. would their DNA be used for tracking down others? you are talking apples and oranges. GOPs are talking deception and deceit.

Earlier this year ICE literally removed a brain tumor patient from a hospital in Texas, zip-tied her, moved her to a detention facility and refused her any access to lawyers, family, or doctors.

So, yeah.

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Medical exam? For a merit-based system? So I guess they will pick out evil diseases.

Betcha ‘susceptible to skin cancer’ gets you citizenship quickly.


Maybe, finally, after days of bullshit tweeting, the orange thing can turn his thoughts to presidenting

North Korea’s foreign minister said Monday that President Trump’s latest statements are “a declaration of war” against his country, and that “all options” are on the table. (Sept. 25)

Media: Associated Press
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — North Korea’s top diplomat said Monday that President Donald Trump’s tweet that leader Kim Jong Un “won’t be around much longer” was a declaration of war against his country by the United States.

Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho told reporters that what he called Trump’s “declaration of war” gives North Korea “every right” under the U.N. Charter to take countermeasures, “including the right to shoot down the United States strategic bombers even they’re not yet inside the airspace border of our country.”


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That’s horrible. No humanity. Done in our name.

These are people already in the United States, most of them raised as Americans, speaking English as a first language and with no recollection of their country of origin. But if they’re not sufficiently healthy, we’ll deport them?


To be clear, my reaction was mostly to the “eugenics” part. It all depends on what specifics the bill would include. If those GOPers intend instant deportation (and for the record I am aware they may indeed well do…) then yes, that would be unacceptable.

Given the description here, it looks like it has some problems, but at least it’s a start.

There’s a good chance that when it comes up for a vote, it will have sufficient poison pills in it, that Democrats won’t vote for it. We shall see.

What exactly is an undocumented green card holder? Sounds like a contradiction in terms.

Yes, they have to pass a test to obtain their licenses to practice medicine. Chiselin’ Trump’s administration is allowing only physicians to become US citizens.

Testing for hyperpigmentation.