Discussion for article #221964
Me to GOP Senators: U. S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2: “The President . . . shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States”
President Obama could Constitutionally pardon all the dreamers, if he wanted to. That would be the end of that, wouldn’t it?
No, mis amigos, your “emotional” claims about the President threatening the Constitution are “legally illiterate.”
However, Republican aiding and abetting Constitutional deniers, nullifiers, and assorted nativist, potentially violent, civil insurrectionists and scoff-laws indeed threatens the rule of law and our domestic tranquility.
Grassley should have sent that letter to John Boehner since it was the House that refuses to act. Obama is doing what he can because of the inaction of the House. So it’s pretty obviouse where the real problem lies.
President Obama has not issued any executive order nor he hinted about what he is going to do, the Republicans already discovered “the changes the administration is reportedly considering” is unconstitutional. It is a pity that these type of “stupid imagination” got the license to represent the American people!
Funny, I don’t see anything in The Constitution that says in what manner the President must carry out the law, “faithfully execute” the laws of the United States, or “Defend the Constitution”.
He could do it zealously, lazily, or steadily. His choice.