Discussion: GOP Senator Warns Trump Admin. Against Cutting Funds For Drug Czar

Not interrupting the flow of opioids. That man’s “thank you” to his supporters in the rust belt. Keep them stoned until they can vote again.


something that I think was ignored by the previous administration that won’t go ignored in this one.

I guess it’s one of those unwritten rules that every criticism directed by a GOP person at another GOP figure must contain, no matter how clumsily it has to be shoehorned in, a little squib of undeserved, unjustified criticism of the Obama administration. The very few people left in the GOP who try to say and do actually sane things occasionally all do this. Just a little homeopathic dose of Obama hatred to show your heart is still in the right place. Idiots.


Supporters in the pharmaceutical industry no doubt.


I assume you’ve heard of an ACTUAL study done correlating the high numbers of Rump voters with heroin/meth addicts in certain areas. At first, I thought it was some kind of joke. Nope.

In addition to this, what exactly does Portman think he can do in retaliation to Rump transferring these funds to tax cuts to the 1%? The voters who made Rump viable in OH will probably be with him even if he cuts of addiction treatment for them. What’s Portman’s leverage?


You don’t need a large budget if you go back to the proven tactics from the golden years of Reagan.


A cost effective system with a track record, just like Trickle Down™.


Opio, er, Ohio has had a drug crisis for about 20 years. They cracked down on pill mills, people turned to synthetic opioids. They cracked down on the factories making those, people switched to heroin. OH is a heroin OD mecca.

Also, the state lies at or near the end of the bigger drug routes and the heroin is more likely to be laced with really dangerous shit to stretch it out.

A note to all the GOP congresscritters from OH who voted ‘yea’ on Thursday—the drug crisis in your state will get worse if your bill becomes law. I’d spit on you, but I have respect for my saliva.


I read your comment as damming Portman with faint praise, but the Obama administration slam was uttered by Sarah Huckabee Sanders who, while being a GOP person, should never be accused of attempting to say or do actually sane things.


“I’ve known and worked with our drug czars for more than 20 years and this agency is critical to our efforts to combat drug abuse”

Said the Senator from Ohio, which has became the drug capital of the known universe during his tenure? Seriously, I can’t believe he said that.

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Introducing: This Week’s TPM Comedy Thread

This is completely OT but the following is entirely too rich and way too funny not to share. It’s a open letter to Sam Bee from the witless, clueless and hopelessly brain-damaged Scottie Nell “Mozel Tov Cocktail” Hughes.

Dear Samantha,

This past weekend on Not The White House Correspondents’ Dinner, you attacked me, personally – on national TV – not for my political views or my never-wavering support for President Trump. Nope, you attacked my intelligence with a cheap “brain damage” insult [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSg9c4E3KU0] which was used to introduce video of my now infamous “mazel tov cocktail” slip-of-the-tongue. [https://mediamatters.org/ video/2016/11/07/watch-cnn- trump-surrogate-confuse- molotov-cocktails-mazel-tov- cocktails/214350 ]

Making fun of a silly verbal stumble on Live TV is fair game. But bullying with hurtful insults about someone’s intelligence is not. Hypocritical bullies like you will march on Washington at the drop of a hat, to allegedly support “women’s rights,” but then attack and demean women who possess differing political views. Shame on you and your team of writers. You owe me a sincere apology.

A little background for the three people reading this who haven’t seen it…

The day before Donald Trump’s election victory over Hillary Clinton, I appeared on Don Lemon’s CNN show to add some context to then-candidate Trump comparing the size of his massive solo rallies to his Mrs. Clinton’s much smaller, star-studded affairs – with Beyoncé, J. Lo, Katy Perry and Jay Z. After CNN contributor Angela Rye said Mr. Trump “is not really bothered by Jay Z’s lyrics,” I tried to explain the two are not mutually exclusive: Mr. Trump was concerned by the size of the rallies and the hypocrisy of Mrs. Clinton aligning herself with Jay Z, whose lyrics and videos are misogynistic, reverse-racist and anti-police. I referenced Jay Z’s “No Church In The Wild” video, which begins with a young black man throwing a Molotov cocktail as he flips-off the police and incites a riot.

My overall point was valid then, and it remains valid today: a presidential candidate like Mrs. Clinton should not celebrate artists like Jay Z who use their so-called art to demean women, divide our country, vilify law enforcement and incite violence. Unfortunately, my point was all but lost after I made what we in the TV news business call a “slip-of-the-tongue.” When I described the opening of Jay Z’s video, I said “mazel tov cocktail” instead of “Molotov cocktail.” What came next was an avalanche of hate and derision from the left, and a whole lot of laughter from the right.

Of course, my late-night slip-of-the-tongue, on Live television was funny. Although it came after a long day of interviews, appearances and family commitments, I have no problem laughing at myself. But I do have a huge problem with bullying and vicious personal attacks; especially from journalists and satirists like you.

My slip was hilarious and generated jokes across the spectrum. Sometimes the jokes sting. But if they are clever and entertaining like the Saturday Night Live skits [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4q1L_JtMiI], I’m fine being the butt of the joke because clever satire provides a broader platform to express my position on the critical issues facing our country – always a good thing. Mr. Trump became President-elect Trump by a razor-thin margin the day after my silly slip-of-the-tongue. Trust me, that and Neil Gorsuch quickly taking his seat on the Supreme Court make the occasional stings far less painful.

It’s ironic that you claim your event was conceived to “honor journalism” and then you marched on stage to personally attack a journalist with differing political views. I doubt you’ll have the guts to apologize, as you did when you shamelessly mocked cancer patient Kyle Coddington’s “Nazi” haircut. But ya never know!

Either way, Game on Samantha Bee! Anytime you want to square off and talk, face-to-face, about the real issues facing Americans, Live, without your writers propping you up with scripted lines and insults, I’m happy to oblige. Hopefully our dialogue will move the conversation forward, with a better understanding of the issues and proposed solutions, from both sides of the political spectrum. Because that’s what’s best for journalism and the nation at large. You can leave demeaning attacks on women to Jay Z.

-Scottie Hughes

Please, feel free to share your thoughts while I try to recover from the thought that Scottie challenged Sam — “Anytime you want to square off and talk, face-to-face, about the real issues facing Americans, Live, without your writers propping you up with scripted lines and insults, I’m happy to oblige.” — to a live duel.

… Hmm, because duels can have only one winner, I wonder: Is this a good time to start a GoFundMe to purchase a body bag for Hughes’ career?


Capitalism doesn’t care how prescription drugs are distributed, just that more of them are rushed out of the warehouse.

Get with the program. Totally free enterprise goes best with totally free lawlessness.


A note to all the GOP congresscritters from OH who voted ‘yea’ on Thursday—the drug crisis in your state will get worse if your bill becomes law. I’d spit on you, but I have respect for my saliva.

While Rump is some kind of nominal “Republican” representing the Party, he could give two shits about the drug addicts and the politicians (Governors, Senators, etc) that have to deal with them. Rump will disembowel the American government COMPLETELY so the 1% can get as much money as they can. He just doesn’t care who gets hurt or what the price to be paid is to other pols. If Portman thought otherwise, he’ll get a rude awakening now.


I read a few weeks ago (WaPO, I think) that there were so many deaths in Ohio due to OD’s that they brought in refrigerated trucks to store the bodies because they ran out of room in the morgues.

My God.


Now I see—I was skimming that. Yeah, Sarah’s not one of those people who disappoints you by occasionally sounding sensible and then backsliding into wingnuttery. She’s a wingnut 24/7, born and bred. But the observation does hold true IMHO for many quasi-sane Repubs, the Grahams and so forth. Always got to inoculate themselves with a bit of hatefulness after sounding rational.


The MOC sycophants learn fast. They know that their Orange Overlord has the desperate and constant need to be shown as better than the previous occupant. They’re all too happy to accommodate.


Trump administration is looking into a 95 percent cut in funding for the office.

If you don’t want to read the story, here’s what the numbers are: The drug policy office’s budget would shrink to $24 million from $338 million. The orange liar ran on vowing to crack down on dealers, investment in getting heroin and opioid off the streets, etc., but then the matter of funding tax cuts for the rich intervened. Portman seems to one of the few legislators criticizing these plans out loud.


This is about not shutting down pill mills which inevitably lead back to drug companies.


and something that I think was ignored by the previous administration

More re-writing of history and a petulant attempt at a dig at President Obama. Trump will never get over being mercilessly mocked at the Correspondents Dinner by President Obama.


“The Hundred Years’ War was the longest military conflict in European history, in which five generations fought. By its ruinous end, the English people had exhausted their resources, diminished their reputation, and come to rue the disastrous misadventure…”



the number of deaths began to increase on July 4, with most cases involving drugs laced with carfentanil, an elephant tranquilizer 10,000 times more powerful than morphine.