Discussion: GOP Senator Wants Dick Cheney To Be Speaker Of The House

Discussion for article #241659

Not that there was any doubt about Cotton before – but if there was, there isn’t now.


The GOP… witness in action the party of obstructionism and anger/hate moving forward to tear apart the country they claim to love.


The GOP truly hates America. Not just saying that. They are truly against every single thing that has made the country great over decades. From civil rights, women’s rights, social security, health care, voting rights, the GI Bill, the WPA, environmental laws, and even science. All of that is shown by Cheney.


Bill “Cheney/Cotton 2016” Kristol just got all swoony.



I called this last week the day McCarthy dropped out.

  1. Elect Dick Cheney Speaker.
  2. Impeach both Obama and Biden.
  3. President CHENEY!

Cotton wants to see Cheney as Speaker of the House. I want to see Cheney in the dock at The Hague. I think my claim has the greater merit.

And to quote the former Vice-President, “Go fuck yourself.”


here’s an acceptable compromise - his body in the dock at The Hague … his head on the floor of the House…


If they try to draft Cheney, what are the chances he’ll insist on multiple deferments?


This tea bag of 40 is so damn fickle that I wonder why Boehner, McCarthy, Cantor, or anyone pays any attention to these backward thinking punks, in the first place.

Now that they have scared Boehner away, none of them can agree on who should be the next speaker of the house. One member says they could vote and stand by Ryan, another one called Webster has his name in the hat and even his on close knick colleagues won’t vote for him either, And now you got one of the dumbest among them all, Cotton, saying he wants the Tricky Dick Cheney to be speaker!

This is proof that this bunch is crazy as a bag of white chocolate coco puffs!


Tom Cotton just exposed himself as completely insane.


I wonder if Chalabi’s available?


tom cotton’s legislative efforts include:

While in the House in 2013, Cotton introduced an amendment
to prosecute the relatives of those who violated sanctions on Iran,
saying that his proposed penalties of up to 20 years in prison would
“include a spouse and any relative to the third degree,” including
“parents, children, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, grandparents, great
grandparents, grandkids, great grandkids.” Forget about the fact that
the Constitution expressly prohibits “corruption of blood” penalties —
just consider that Cotton wanted to take someone who had violated
sanctions and imprison their grandchildren.


Ah, a message from the Traitor Caucus.


Generally speaking I don’t think it’s appropriate to comment on people’s appearance. However, in this case I think I understand why Cotton has these remarkable ideas: His abnormally elongated neck makes it difficult for blood to travel to his brain. I can think of no other plausible explanation.


Or, better yet, “Curveball”…


The fetal alcohol Senator…


LOL. I do believe Cotton is trolling the media with this.

First off, Cotton is a freshman Senator. What he thinks about the Speaker race matters about as much as what your household pet thinks about the race.

Secondly, we just have to stop taking seriously anybody who is suggesting someone that isn’t even in the House. Yes, technically, the Constitution doesn’t have such a requirement, but its never been done. And about the only thing that would scream pathetic more than the current mess they are in, is admitting that none of their Representatives is up to the job so they have to get someone outside the House to run.

The real question that nobody is asking, is why isn’t Labrador or one of the other “leaders” of the Freedom Caucus running? After all, they have pretty much spent the last 4 days trying to let everyone know they are in charge. So why not make it official and put their money where their mouths are?


It’s Politic-hoes. They’ll give anyone a serious listen as long as they’ll give Politic-hoes some time.

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Second choice: Charlie the Unicorn.

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