Wow, the dam has burst wide open! I am surprised it’s happening so quickly.
Gosh, I’d love get in a poker game with some of the other leading republiscum Senators. After getting past the stench, they’d try to bluff but then fold like a cheap suit!
I’d take all their money and laugh all the way out the door!
Yes but there she is blaming both sides. It s not both sides for christ’s sake
Yeah, I’m really hoping this fight drags on for another few months. I’d love to see down ticket GOP Senators get pasted with it in November…
“If we lose the election, Hillary Clinton’s going to pick somebody who I wouldn’t pick. I’m telling every conservative now: don’t expect to lose the election and still get your way.”
Lindsey Graham
Fuck Collins. She does this every time. A seemingly sincere statement of principle followed by a vote to contradict it.
The fact that so many of the GOP are still struggling to deny a hearing to a solid moderate with an excellent knowledge of the law says to me that they are very aware of just how extreme and, probably unconstitutional, their plans and policies are. They realize that even a judge with no particular liberal leaning would kick those plans to the curb.
The dam hasn’t burst wide open, but cracks are developing that Mitch McConnell would be foolish to ignore. Obama’s nomination of Garland puts the Senate Republicans in a bad spot. He is clearly a moderate. He is older so he might not be on the court 30 years. Hillary is odds on to win this fall. She will nominate somebody much more liberal who will be confirmed because the Senate is likely to turn blue. Garland is clearly the last best hope Republicans have for at least another 2 years.
I agree. 250%! Another media-created phony moderate lying out of her ass. She’ll support that motherfucker McConnell and the rest of those assholes like a crack addict clutching the pipe.
Until you demand hearings and a vote, your talk is worthless Ms. Collins.
adding that it was “inappropriate” that “both sides” launched a “political battle” so quickly after Scalia’s death.
Enough reason to not take her seriously.
“That’s a sincere belief, but it’s not one that I hold,”
There are people who sincerely believe that fluoride is a Communist plot to weaken our bodily fluids, that the moon landings were faked on a Nevada movie lot, and that shape-shifting lizard aliens have taken control of the Republican Party. Those first two groups are completely fucking nuts.
Collins said she did not know how the decision was made for Republicans to take that hardline stance, adding that it was “inappropriate” that “both sides” launched a “political battle” so quickly after Scalia’s death.
Oh, screw you, Susan Collins. Stop lying. First off, it isn’t a “sincerely held belief” that President Obama should be blocked from sending a nominee to the Hill – that’s just offensive! A whole fucking year?? Second, this whole false meme about “both sides do it” is so old. You’re lying and you fucking know it. Get a spine – I know some really good neurosurgeons down my way if you’re interested.
If the nominee is Mr. Trump, and he becomes the next president, who knows who his nominee would be. He’s rather unpredictable.
Gee, ya think? Maybe if wishy washy politicians like Sen. Collins didn’t say one thing then do another there would be less unpredictability in the GOP.
A seemingly sincere statement of principle followed by a vote to contradict it.
There are few things more fraudulent, and more useless, than the Republican “moderate.”
“Collins said she did not know how the decision was made for Republicans to take that hardline stance.”
That decision was made on October 23, 2010, by Mitch McConnell – the guy she elected as Senate Leader:
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
Now she’s "shocked, shocked to find McConnell going on in here" after all these years?
Even less convincing than Captain Renault…
there was no basis for saying that no matter who the President nominates,
Grassley: Ms. Collins needs to read The Constitution for The Whites. Every action we take against the black guy is constitutional.
Hmm. Is “SCOTUS shaming” a thing?
Please stop referring to her as a “Moderate”, she’s not. She has been part and parcel of nearly all the filibusters to date. JUST STOP IT!
Oh good! It’s one of my favorite seasons!
It’s time for an extremist fringe lunatic senator to pretend like she’s a voice of moderation. How quaint.