How about you start with being “harsh” on Betsy “ChristoFascist Madrassa” DeVos tomorrow? Then “Drill Baby” Pruitt?
Then maybe we’ll believe you have a conscience, a brain, and a soul…
Please, Deb, tie your ribbon to another balloon…
Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE) said on Monday that she hopes President Donald Trump will have “very firm, very harsh” conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin,
And I’ve been hoping for a pony every Christmas and birthday since nineteen fifty-five.
Melania says, Trust me dahling, you never have to worry about Donald being firm… Sad.
Talk about getting it bassackwards. Vlad the Inserter is going to be “very firm” and “very harsh” when he “rides” HaarFührer on both ends. Indeed, I don’t think Put-in wielding a riding crop is entirely out of the question either.
"And I believe that President Trump will recognize or does recognize right now who Putin is . . . "
Goes without saying.
“Well, I think when you’re at the beginning of an administration, you really don’t want to go out and start attacking people that you’re going to have to work with,” Fischer said.
Except if they’re Australians. You have to be a dick to them from the get-go or they don’t respect you.
They make such a cute couple. Why makes waves over some piddling little treason?
Donnie will still respect Russia in the morning.
And I’m the Sultan of Oman.
Addendum: Wait, this is the senator who said she couldn’t support Trump after the Access Hollywood tape became public…then reversed her stance after about three days. A spine, a spine - all the GOP for a spine!!!
She has a future as a stand up comic
A lot of people have been reassuring Comrade Coir Coif that he’s 1,000% correct on how important it is to “look the part, like you’re right out of central casting” when he meets Vlad the Inserter. And he will.
Bless her little heart.
To paraphrase one of my favorite DKos comments:
“Trump supporters are like cows or pigs who refuse to believe that the kindly farmer who feeds them every day would ever eat them.”
Trump will most likely be firm, but not in the way the senator hopes.
Let’s get this straight:
Spends 2016 attacking everyone and everything except Putin.
Gets elected.
Spends transition period attacking everyone and everything except Putin.
Makes inaugural speech pretty much attacking everyone and everything except Putin.
Spends first 2 weeks attacking everyone and everything except Putin.
Won’t attack Putin when confronted and prompted.
Excuse is that he shouldn’t be attacking people and things because it’s early in his presidency and he’s new.
I’m only going to agree with that photo not having the heads reversed because it is definitely Putin who is pissing all over Trump behind closed doors, not vice versa.
It’s a Russian hooker thing, you wouldn’t understand…
Donnie? Complete awareness…
Hey, Donnie has a lighter side which fits in with his playing at being POTUS…
He won’t.
Not only firm but also harsh. Foreign policy through S&M, because “What do you think? Our country’s so innocent?”
This forked tongue Senator had protestors at her three offices in NE on Saturday. Approximately 300 protesters protesting her support of DeVos while she was attending the GOP fundraiser in FL.
Sen. Fischer is also the author of 2006 NE state law allowing eminent domain for private gain in NE to fascilitate the KXL pipeline to go thru NE.