Discussion: GOP Senator: 'Nobody Really Believes' That Next Prez Should Get SCOTUS Pick

Total clown shoes.

What were they elected to do? Being a swinging dick isn’t in the Constitution.


“Our position shouldn’t be that the next president ought to decide. Nobody really believes that, because if this were the last year of a Republican presidency nobody would say that,”

If it will make you feel any better, Senator, most people never actually thought you believed it.


And one has to wonder why a pack “lying, unprincipled, pack of self-dealing hypocrites” aren’t embracing their true chosen leader TOG/HO? He embodies their lying, unprincipled, pack of self-dealing hypocritical dirty dealing scumbag douchery to a tee.

Well Senator Flake, “nobody believes” you should be a Senator from Arizona. How do ya like it now, Jeff?


McConnell had better be careful before a sudden case of bipartisanship breaks out in the Senate.

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Nobody thought you did believe it, Senator. Nobody at all.


Republicans just set a precedent for future obstruction in nominating a supreme court justice. When the time comes and the rolls are reversed the GOP can expect the same game plan pulled on them.


What Jeff said can be interpreted two ways. I fear that it means that the next President might not get to fill Scalia’s vacancy either :frowning:

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You’re quite right. In fact, Obama has already stated quite publicly and in unequivocal terms that he will not pull Garland’s nomination before the end of his term. In fact, he did it on FOX just to make sure the RWNJs got the message:

WALLACE: Are you saying you will stick with Merrick Garland through the end of your term?


WALLACE: No pulling him after –

OBAMA: Absolutely not.

I consider that definitive. Of course, Garland could always withdraw his name from consideration himself, but that’s a different matter and presumably not subject to Obama’s control.


The US Code sets the number of Supreme Court justices at nine with a minimum of six to conduct business (28 US Code §1). You could make a plausible argument that McConnell is violating Federal Law by refusing to allow the Senate to advise and consent on Garland’s nomination based on the clear language in 28 USC §1 that “The Supreme Court of the United States shall consist of a Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices . . .”


With the big orange turd already taking up space there I’m surprised there’d be room for any more.


Somehow, Irasdad always cheerfully goes to the obvious, simple, amusing truth.

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“If we come to a point where we’ve lost the election, and we can get a centrist like Garland in there as opposed to someone like Hillary Clinton might appoint then I’d go for it,” he said.

Even this relatively sane GOP politician believes it’s “heads we win, tails you lose.” SMH

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I hope republicans lose the Senate. I wish Sen flake will soon be the senior senator from Arizona


Let me rephrase that for you dude: “I am unable to accept that the fifty year long conservative control of the SCOTUS is coming to an end.”


I’m trying to stay stable, but what the fuck is wrong with these people?


So that’s why Trump’s moving in. Reminds him of home. Swamp Tower. Mar-a-Swampo. The Kluge Eswamp. The list goes on.


“GOP Senator: ‘Nobody Really Believes’ That Next Prez Should Get SCOTUS Pick”

Oh really? Now that it looks like Hillary will almost certainly win, the GOP no longer thinks the NEXT president should pick Scalia’s replacement?

Republicans are such shameless jerks.


Flake: “ooh, did I use my outside voice? D’oh!!!”


Not just plausible; compelling. “Shall” has a great deal of power.