That right there is our problem. Same applies for my douchebag Representative in Michigan. No one running against him. Its frustrating. They put forward the dumbest, most inexperienced, callous and corrupt people in their party, and we put forward no one…Can’t beat them if we don’t even try.
They thought that Pat Buchanan’s “Peasants with Pitchforks” were amusing. Wait until they have to deal with us.
“Ferragamo-Shod with ABA”
That probably needs to be a bumper sticker.
Yes. I think the best bet is whoever can romance the Reid machine. They will only get involved in a race that they believe they can win, I realize. One to keep an eye on is indeed newly plucked from obscurity Freshman Congress(woman) Jacky Rosen. Anyway, hard to believe Reid machine will resist such a tempting target if they can see a road to victory (?) and they do love to win.
Does the article say whether there’s time to move somebody in(residency requirement). Used to be done all the time. With his being so vulnerable…
I gotta admit…this story gave me a chuckle and put a smile on my face today.
I went and read the article cited by @littlegirlblue . Actually at that time(Feb) IMO two candidates looked promising–and there was a “rich guy” who was kind of a wild card. I had a question about the “Reid Machine” and I noted that, quoting,“no one knows what role Reid will play”. I very much doubt that he’ll let the party down, so we an hope. Nothing in there about the possibility of moving someone in–some states had one-year residence. Again, Heller is awfully weak.
“Rubber Stamp”? Is that what the kid’s are calling a dildo these days?
Rubber stamps are bought and paid for.
Follow the money.
I just crossed my fingers for the first time in like 20 years.
I am sick of this A$$hole and his master president. Grow a pair of ovaries and stand for something beside worn out cliches and bullying. Don’t you have a 2nd Amendment to vehemently defend? What a tool.
Even the Brit’s recognize that Melania has more brains than Donnie, a low bar I admit…
Did Melania give husband anthem ‘nudge’?
He still fucked it up, as you can see, his little fingers are jumping around for a few moments. Maybe he was checking for a heartbeat. Not to worry. He laid into her later.
Melania has “Stockholm Syndrome” written all over her.
Who knew MS also stood for Mega Sassy!
Really? Evening gown and open toe heels to a morning lawn event? Maybe she was just getting in from a long night out?
Yes, she does. She’s going to stay in NY as long as she can on the flimsiest of pretenses, i.e. the kid’s education. He’s probably still blaming her for making him look bad on Inauguration Day.
Wait, are you talking about Melania? Or Donnie? Hard to tell these days…
We should organize a fund to buy Barron a pair of sneakers, shorts and a tee shirt.
I stand corrected…ankle length.
Enough dark suits for ya?