Discussion for article #244965
Maybe this had something todo with his sudden change of heart?
Sleazy RINO, Sen. Richard Burr, uses his committee to try to smear Cruz; Burr needs to be defeated https://t.co/t7qbeK0sGw
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) December 16, 2015
How come Republicans are allowed to get away with statements like, “The AP Lied?” Can’t you just say that they were mistaken, that they misheard, etc. Why does it have to be a lie? I can assure you that if the AP said that YOU lied the next time you tell an untruth, you would be quite upset.
Republicans Lie. The AP makes mistakes. There is a difference.
HA! Someone is getting primaried!!!
Worse than a fish tossed up on the bank —
—and left in the blazing sun for 3 days
Typo repairs: "AP is trying to create discord where there is already discord by telling the truth.”
sadly, this is entirely believable. Yes, many Republicans would vote for someone wholly, 1000% unsuitable for the office so long as there’s an R after his or her name, before voting for any qualified Democrat.
I forget if I read it here or on another site, but some reporter asked an unnamed Bush official why everyone who has anything to do with Cruz immediately hates him, and the guy said “It just saves time.” It’s truly remarkable how many Republicans will go out of their way to express their loathing for him publicly. I don’t remember anything like it. They were politer about Nixon. At any rate, that’s why I think this is just a pro forma denial because he thought he was speaking privately and it became a story. Ev-er-y-one hates Cruz. The guy might not have been entirely serious about voting for Sanders, that could have been a bitter sort of joke, but it would be surprising if this one guy has no particular problem with Cruz. Did he say anything nice about old Ted? Because if he did it wasn’t in the article. Said he’d support the nominee.
Someone accused me of being a human being! I’ve been slandered!!!
Well this is awkward…
I don’t remember anything like it. They were politer about Nixon.
Barry Goldwater might have been way to the right of most of his Republican colleagues at the time, but I’ve never gotten the impression that he wasn’t at least respected by them. As for Nixon, he was a loyal GOP stalwart for his entire career and was held in reasonably high regard by his fellow GOPers. If his paranoia hadn’t gotten the better of his judgement, the totally needless Watergate break-in wouldn’t have occurred, and he would have finished out his second term regarded as a very successful President by his party.
Cruz is entirely in a class by himself.
Direct orders from the Minister of Counterrevolutionary Removal, Mark Levin.
Well, he’s a traitor, isn’t he? No concept of loyalty whatsoever. We’re probably genetically hard-wired since the Pleistocene to have a visceral loathing for that kind of person because they threaten the survival of everyone else in the group.
Cruz’ college roommate, Craig Mazins latest tweet:
"When I met Ted in 1988, I had no word to describe him, but only because I didn’t speak German. Thank you, Germans, for “Backpfeifengesicht.” "
He just has that effect on people.
Good grief. Some people around him certainly fed into that.
But he was definitely damaged goods. His poor wife.
There’s an article in the Times that basically says that Republicans are divided over who to hate more (or rather who to settle on): Trump or Cruz. The outsiders (donor class) can’t stand Trump, mainly because of his heterodoxy. The insiders (staffers, party officials, elected officials) all would be happy with Trump, because Cruz will come in and they will be out of a job. He will put his one people on all the levels of power in the party. Both groups of Republicans described, by the way, are resigned to losing the general election.
Nixon certainly had some massive shortcomings. However, if I had to choose between Nixon on one hand and Trump or Cruz on the other, I wouldn’t hesitate one microsecond to go with Dick.
I did. A president led instead of leading.
Nixon, in ways to his downfall, Reagan, GWB.
No more republicans in the Oval Office for the foreseeable future.
“A face badly in need of a fist.”