Discussion: GOP Sen. Wishes He Said Something When Bill Maher Used A Racial Slur

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Ben Sasse is a hypocrite and a Republican.
But I repeat myself.


In a one-on-one interview, Sasse appeared to chuckle before suppressing a smile

So he thought it was funny until the calls came in.


Sen. Sasse needs to condemn this as strongly as he did all those racist GOP jokes about the Obamas.


Also applicable here.


I love nothing more than to be lectured about the n-word by a Republican.

Perhaps he can take that message to his voters…they’re the ones who really need it.


Ah yes, The Book, full of platitudes, but published in advance of the announcement he’ll be running for The Highest Office In The Land. Smiling through an interview with Bill Maher he now regrets is only one of the humiliations he’ll have to endure before he gets to the finish line.


The replies to this bit of sanctimony seem to involve pointing out the trumPP campaign was a circus act that reporters couldn’t tear their eyes away from


“We’d have to have you work in the fields with us,” Sasse told Maher

He’s from Nebraska where farm labor was, and still is, white child labor. No n _ _ _ _ _ s in that part of the country unless they play football for Big Red.


When I was in high school in the 70’s in my mostly Rockefeller Republican suburban NYC town I was taking AP/Regents history. One of the books on the syllabus was the Dick Gregory autobiography N*****. No one in class mocked the term or said it because we all knew the context of it. Plus it was Dick Gregory so there was the comedy angle. Most of us had absorbed some of his work as well as Carlin, Pryor etc. People really need to understand context and nuance before they go to the outrage machine.


I hope he’s being honest about this being the product of his own reflection, because that is the correct way to process this and gird for the next time.


Fuck Ben Sasse but fuck Bill Maher for thinking he has a ghetto pass to use that word.

No, Bill, you don’t and that was stupid.

Get a clue - even Eminem has avoided using that word and he has a ghetto pass.


A lot of farm workers in NE are Mexican. I went to grad school there, and even 35 years ago the Latino population was growing rapidly.


Nevertheless, the fallacy of relative privation is a nonpartisan rule of reasoning. The whole ‘whatabout so and so’ is really getting tiresome.


Sounds like Maher himself said something right away. The good Senator just had to agree with him that it was inappropriate.

As for writing a book: by the time the campaigns get underway it will be buried at the bottom of the Goodwill 5-for-a-buck pile.

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Maher is a racist, self absorbed clown judging by his statements about Muslims and religion. Kathy Griffen is the natural outgrowth of uncouth clowns like him, who look for the laugh before thinking about what they are saying. I do not like Sasse either, but at least he speaks without making hateful statements and does not bear the hate for atheists that Maher has for religion and it adherents. As for the lack of Sasse’s condemnations of the likes of Gohmert and King, well, I see Democrats sitting with Reverend Al on MSNBC all the time, even though he was one of the biggest racists of the 80’s and has never apoligized for what he did.


What a steaming pantload.


He wishes he would have said something, but calling fellow white people on using racial slurs isn’t something that comes naturally to him. After all, people from Nebraska are so ‘nice’.

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I notice that both Maher and Sasse recognized Maher’s inappropriate use (is there an appropriate use?) of the “N” word.

Sadly the use of the word has taken attention away from the basic statement. What Maher was saying refers to an old split between house slaves and field slaves. House slaves were generally better behaved and educated. They had the much better jobs. They were always threatened with being returned to the fields (and early death) if they misbehaved.

To this day in some parts of the south bigoted whites will explain that successful blacks are house “n****s” to indicate that they are among the best behaved and educated blacks, much better than those ordinary blacks.

The very expression itself is demeaning to all concerned. It is a cultural expression used by rich elites to keep all blacks down. At the same time it helps southern elites keep poorer whites in line by allowing them to believe the rich folk think they are a step up from the best blacks.

It is an intentional bit of very, very ugly social engineering. Maher should be ashamed for using the general saying in addition to using the “n” word.


Okay Sasse, if you really believed your tweet stream, you wouldn’t be a gooper. Lying hypocrite.