Discussion for article #238704
Yet still no apology for the dic-pic he sent Nancy Pelosi. Geez…
More “repeal and replace.” “we need to repeal public education and replace it with anti-science, religio-fascist indoctrination at Christian run private schools via voucher programs.” Just look at what Booby Jingle has done in LA with the vouchers. There’s schools on the accepted voucher list in LA that teach shit like “the Loch Ness monster is strong evidence that current theories regarding the dinosaurs are wrong and that man and dinosaurs did indeed share the Earth with one another 6,00 years ago.” Fuck this dillhole and the rest of them. The point is that the public school system needs funding and needs fixing, not that we should just throw it out with the bathwater because a bunch of shitstains who own gold-plated toilets want the public kept stupid, misinformed and compliant.
I am sick and tired of republicans trying to use AAs in their never ending goal of cutting public education funding or even doing away with public schools altogether in saying democrats being against school choice is trying to stop poor inner AA children from getting educated. What is hurting inner city schools is that politicians like Johnson are taking away money from schools to give to for profit education who pay and treat their teachers like crap.
“I was being, that quote is, I’m being very sarcastic in that’s how liberals view these underprivileged kids. That is not my viewpoint in any way.”
Hmm. Trying to remember when I’ve heard liberals say anything remotely like that. Oh, wait — NEVER!
"Trust me I wish I would not have said that."
Of course. The expression of blatant racism is Trump’s job in this campaign. The other Republicans must be more circumspect.
Whoa, Nellie!! I suppose you want us all to ignore that image of a Triceratop hide fanny pack on Jesus’ hip that was discovered on the Shroud of Turin?!?! Huh, huh!!!???
Rude but fair. Especially about know-nothings like Johnson…
Ron Johnson: Master Rhetorician, deploying free indirect discourse.
And falling on his lily white old saggy ass.
“Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) said on Thursday that he regrets using the phrase ‘idiot inner city kids’…”
He continued digging:
"I should have used the phrase ‘shiftless urban kids’. Or ‘uppity blah kids’. Maybe ‘hip hop welfare kids’.
“I was being, that quote is, I’m being very sarcastic in that’s how liberals view these underprivileged kids.”
IOW - He was trying to build a strawman and failed. He can’t even win an argument with himself.
Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning? ~some idiot
Clueless fool Senator from upper U.S. makes clueless statements and is nonplussed that many people are annoyed by his peculiar insights.
“Pickanniny” was on the tip of my tongue, but I had a “senior moment”
This is what happens when Senators speak like TPM commentors.
I’ll take ANAGRAMS for $500 Alex…
What is RACIST and the letters “A”, “C” and “S”?
Sunshine Sammy and Farina thought we’d moved beyond all this.
Sarcasm takes subtlety.
Republican voters are not subtle.
I wonder if his kids are in private school? I am sure yes!
" idiot inner city kids …that’s how liberals view these underprivileged kids."
And that’s supposed to be less offensive than Johnson’s original comment? Eesh…