I’m getting the distinct feeling that after his “mean” comment re healthcare plan, the GOP is starting to, how shall we say, throw him under the bus.
Even if your purpose is to do bad, bad, evil things, you still get pissed off when someone tries to gum up the works.
Think of the poor “moderate” who went out on a limb to vote the plan, got a shitload of grief from his constituents, and then hears the imbecile say it’s “mean,” which will be used against said moderate in ads galore. Poor, confused GOP …
So confused they don’t know whether to scratch their watch or wind their butt.
The rest of the GOP would be thrilled with a Donnie witch hunt.
Takes the potential prosecution pressure off of them, at least until Mueller’s report comes out.
Stake, kindling, Witch. (some assembly required)
Paging Christine O’Donnell!
Journalistic excellence there, Mr. Squirrel…
Nah, just put him on the bus, and let the Mueller Express take it from there…
trump’s budget director = MEAN
I don’t know that he’d fit under there. Tight squeeze for sure.
I hope it’s not wishful thinking but I’m fascinated by the way the GOP senators, at least, seem to be quietly cutting themselves loose from Donald. You could guess the word’s gone out from the ones who get the intelligence briefings that he’s got troubles he’s not going to survive.
We need to sneak this toxic crap through before the flames reach the ship’s magazine.
Obviously Thune is one of the innocent ones.
You won’t hear Chaffetz, Nunes, or Dana say the same.
Who IS defending Trump at this point? Where are the GOP spokespersons and surrogates? Apart from Donald Jr.'s puerIle rants, there is an eerie silence.
Now, Senator … Hard to say it’s not a “Witch Hunt” when the subject of the investigation is regularly seen riding a broom, then screaming “I’M MELTING!”
“But I think for now we ought to proceed on our agenda,” he continued. “We ought to try and reform health care, and reform the tax code, and do an infrastructure bill and focus on jobs and the economy for the American people knowing full well that that investigation is going to be ongoing.”
Sure. Sort of like standing at the stove and frying an egg while a Rottweiler is chewing on your calf. In fairly short order you don't give a damn how the hell the egg turns out.
Thume also said there was no evidence of Russian meddling but Mika & Co were too slow to catch it and/or respond.
And where IS Jared? I know the young prince is taciturn, but this is ridiculous.