Trump is a “different guy” in private
With Putin, he’s very friendly.
“Mike and I go way back. We came in the House together,”
Well said, Mr Flake.
Is the senator OK with Trrump’s other divisive remarks
Flake said that Pence told him that Trump is a “different guy” in private, but Flake said that wasn’t enough to convince him.
Hitler was very kind to his dogs, too.
It’s pretty amazing what does sit well with Arizona voters. The TP ticket is right up their alley. Flake is at risk for showing sensibility.
538 has
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Arizona Blue ? …mebbee
It all depends on how many mexicans that Sheriff Joe can arrest before election day, and how many boxes of “mexican-looking ballots” he can burn.
Another example of Flake’s ability to summon a well-turned bit of irony from his vestigial humanity.
Trump is a “different guy” in private
That logic works: endorse him because he is a fraud.
Flake said that Trump’s comments about Mexican immigrants
and his attacks on the judge with Mexican heritage presiding over
the Trump University case don’t “sit well” with Arizona voters.
“You can’t expect to win Arizona when you make statements like that,” Flake said.
“You offend a large and growing demographic needlessly.”
“But there are times I’m OK with it.” Flake opined.
Yessir. I remember those days fondly. Mark Sanford and David Vitter, they was coming in the House too.
It’s utterly ridiculous to say that you would support a nominee if he would just stop saying crazy things after a year of that nominee saying crazy things and inciting violence. It’s like saying, "if he’d only pretend to be someone completely different in public then I would endorse him.
Jeff seems like a decent guy and I doubt he will ever endorse Trump, but all these guys say the same thing, “If he’d only stop saying crazy things” as if they didn’t care how dangerous he really is, just stop acting like it!
Lilttle Oma.
My better-half’s-BFF’s-1stGen-German/American-grandma once told me:
“Dat Hitler guy? He vasn’t so bad-- till he shtarted doink dose crasy tings!”
Now, about that Trump guy?
Flake’s repeatedly staked out decent, civil positions that ran counter the pressure from his psychotically partisan party. His politics are pretty far right. At this point, however, he’s one of the few Republican senators to show any hint of being worthy of high office.
And Senate is quite high enough, thank you very much.
Flake, you are a pussy wimp. It’s either yes or no, coward.
Flake said that Pence told him that Trump is a “different guy” in private
I’m guessing a lot worse. More cussing, racial slurs, misogynistic…typical republican in other words…
If you knew how much you sound like Donald Trump, you probably wouldn’t do that.