It appears that conversation differed from his talks with Democratic leaders.
Of course it did. Donald Trump agrees with whoever talked to him last. If Pelosi and Schumer have dinner with him tomorrow, he’ll want a big, beautiful DREAM act.
Donald Trump has as much policy permanence as an infant has object permanence.
“Second, any deal has to end chain migration.”
They want to prevent people from being able to help get family members to legally migrate to the US.
I am sure there will be exceptions if the family members are coming from Europe.
Hey, Cotton, wipe the spooge from your lips before appearing in public after a meeting with Dolt 45.
Cotton and Trump are very different in many respects–different kinds of low-lifes.
That picture
Evil personified with no touchups
What a slug
Opening salvos in what’ll be a protracted, convuluted negotiation. If it takes 60 votes, that gives Dems significant leverage.
It’ll be interesting to see what McCain, Corker, Collins, etc. have to say.
Now there’s a nice polite word.
Well holy sht Cotton…don’t for one solitary minute THINK FOR YOURSELF. Take your marching orders from a total buffoon…this three branches of government thing? FK IT. Only cite the Constitution when you’re pretending it’s the DEMOCRATS that want to shred it. Fool the rubes! You can do it.
So he wants to create a second class of citizenship? Maybe they’ll get a brown-card? You can pay taxes, fight in our armed forces and live here, but don’t get uppity and think you get coverage by white parts of the constitution!
An an immigration lawyer, lemme tell ya, this kills the bill before it leaves the gate. It’s holding the Dreamers hostage to obscene changes to existing law. N.F.W.