These guys are starting crumble faster than a Pacifica hillside.
“I can’t imagine the President has or will nominate somebody that meets my criteria, but I have my job to do,” Moran said, as quoted by the Telegram. “I think the process ought to go forward.”
Don’t buy this at all. Never come to a vote but I guess pretending to care works for all those folks who “care” about the Consitiution same way Brownback does.
So do we think that Sen. Moran is starting to feel some heat from home? I certainly hope so and I hope that the constituents of the other Repug senators who are up for re-election start applying the same kind of heat. Do your jobs, jackasses!
I wasn’t aware that some states elect actual Morans to the Senate.
So, basically, constituents are giving him an earful.
Not the first time — Guy can’t be trusted —
Hmmm, saw some bad internal or something like that? I think he is pretty safe though…
it’s finally starting to dawn on him that people are beginning to realize how badly Republicans have fucked up Kansas as a state and it won’t be too much of a leap for some people to make the connection about DC…
although I might be giving idiots too much credit…
Wake me when a vote happens
“All of this” isn’t really anything important.
Jerry’s running for re-election here in Kansas and doesn’t want to be associated either with the state GOP’s state rape or the national GOP’s shitshow.
That’s two Senators today coming out of the woodwork. Do the Republicans have a coherent plan on anything?
They don’t have a plan for Trump, for SCOTUS nominee, for healthcare, for immigration, for income inequality, and the list goes on.
The base is energized by this standoff, but McConnell is very, very scared, and this guy and others will be peeling away. Personally, I’m scared by this face.
@jcblues Is Roberts the other KS Senator still living in someplace other than Kansas?.
Not enough are standing up to Mitch from horse country, so it doesn’t matter.
Little by little the neanderthals cave in so then they can all say NO to anything Obama nominates.Which is just how it will play out.
“I can’t imagine the President has or will nominate somebody that meets my criteria"
Pretty sure Judge Roy Bean is dead.
ALL of you have your jobs to do!
So far,we’ve got squat-all from you re-pukes!
If you’re running from your state party and your national party, where do you really have left to run?
I have a feeling that the number of Republican Senators willing to at least hold hearings will increase once the primaries are done and their general election polling numbers start coming out… especially the swings states
“I can’t imagine the President has or will nominate somebody that meets my criteria.”
So brilliant, impartial, eminently qualified, and previously okeydokey are out as GOP criteria.
Pretty much leaves “not being nominated by the black guy”.