Discussion: GOP Sen. Mike Lee Urges Trump To Step Aside As Republican Nominee


“Grab them by the pussy.” He did not say p***y. The next leader of the free world, the ultimate role model, gives a how-to for young men on sexual assault.

GOP values. We always knew they were vile hypocrites. They will say they abhor, etc., but they’re just talking out their neck like they always do.


Just like Iraq, you weasels. You broke it, you bought it.
Can’t wait until KellyAnne figures out how this is all Hillary’s fault.


Too little too late from this blob of hypocrisy.


It’s too late for Trump to step aside. Ballots are printed, the relevant filing deadlines are past, and early voting has started.

Trump could promise to resign after the election, but who’s going to vote for a political ticket where the top name is too damaged to serve?


Hey Mike, I’m offended and it has nothing to do with the fact that I have a wife and three daughters and two granddaughters. You don’t need a female entourage to realize that this immature horse’s backside should get nowhere near elected office.


They’re already pushing the theme that Trump was “channeling Bill Clinton.” And as we all know, Bill’s sexcapades were obviously Hillary’s fault, plus she “enabled” the “abuse” and “shamed” Bill’s “innocent victims.”

This, of course, will go over great in the right wing dunce-o-sphere, but with the reportedly crucial “moderate Republican suburban female voters” demographic – I’m guessing it’s going to cost him, and cost him dearly. Quite possibly it may cost him whatever remaining chances he had of winning the election.

As if that weren’t enough of a blow to his huge ego, it will probably hit him where it hurts the most – lasting damage to the Trump brand. He will be remembered as the ultimate racist, sexist douchebag. Hey, it was going to happen anyway…but the difference now is that he is probably starting to realize it. And when that realization sinks in…it ain’t gonna be pretty.


Really? After everything that’s happened? All the bullshit and the hatred and the garbage that’s spewed out of this mouth… this is the final straw?



Amazingly not his reaction to how Trump began his campaign, or the myriad of other disgusting and hateful things that Trump’s said since. Even so, he still counts as one of the few Republicans with any genuine principles and backbone, because most of the others who denounced his predatory remarks have still kept their endorsements. (What on Earth would it take for Ryan or McConnell to pull their endorsements?)

Too late, and this statement from Lee is over a year overdue, really. But if Republicans really want to have any credibility to claim to be a principled party and that they value human dignity (as myopically as they conceive of what it means to “value human dignity”), then a lot more of them need to make similar statements post haste.


I waded into the sewer of responses to the tweet with the video of the apology. Unbelievable the amount praise HO was receiving for that beautiful, perfect response.


The guy whose campaign got off to a big splash by accusing immigrants of Mexican nationality of being RAPISTS…has all the traits and conscience of a RAPIST.


Whenever I hear a Mormon politician spouting off on morals I remember that old adage: Never bring only one Mormon on a fishing trip … he will drink all the beer.


It’s occurred to me on countless occasions today that if anyone spoke to my wife, my daughter, my mother or any of my five sisters the way Mr. Trump has spoken to women, I wouldn’t hire that person.

But I don’t know any Mexicans, any Muslims, etc. I’m still OK with his comments there.


Yep. In-person absentee voting has started in 6 states and early voting has started in 2 states. Regular mail-in and absentee mail-in voting has started in a number of states.

So did I, and it highlights that this is not just a Trump problem - waaaaaay too many people think the way he thinks. Republicans own that attitude every time they support people who complain about feminazis, every time they complain that women asking for respect is all about political correctness and every time they say women shouldn’t have control over their own bodies. What do Mike Lee, Chaffetz and others have to say to the many misogynist assholes out their who likely vote for them?


Who the hell would believe that? Trump lies his ass off all the time, and his ego is enormous. If they win, he’s staying put. He would have to drop out before the vote, but that seems pretty unlikely, especially if he still gets explicit support from the many cowards in his party.

If I understand correctly, there’s no deadline for picking a replacement candidate, but it becomes very difficult logistically as we approach election day. The RNC can theoretically get all it’s delegates together and vote on a replacement, and that could be anyone so it isn’t limited to Pence. I assume Pence would get it, but like you say, ballots have already been printed and Pence doesn’t automatically get the Trump potus votes if Trump drops out - he only gets the vp vote. If the repubs could organize enough, they might be able to convince people to write in Pence, but that would likely just split the vote.

States can probably decide whether or not to take on the cost of printing new ballots, but the only states that would do that are probably going for HO anyway. It might affect the popular vote some, but not the electoral college.


Sorry Senator, but your party nominated its best and brightest candidate. Now you’re stuck with him. Suck it up and get used to it.

Better luck in 2032!


Translation: “Don’t take the rest of us down with you, please!” Sorry, Senator Lee, you’re not going to get your wish.


Jesus Christ, when Trump has lost Jason Chaffetz there just isn’t any further to fall. That guy’s a freaking chowderhead!


Curious how changing horses now would effect the millions, like me, who have already cast our ballots in early voting. Are these votes just null and void?

Not to mention all the expats around the world who have already had their ballots mailed to them. voted and sent them in. That process just gets started over from square one?

This thing would be held up for years in courts, and unlike Gore, Hillary ain’t rolling over