Johnson wants his own version of the Cornhusker Kickback. Wisconsin, huh? Maybe Senator Johnson wants a little more cheddar before he agrees to vote for it. Call it the Cheddar Compromise. I know, kinda cheesy.
As JM says these Senators will cry and whine and then cave and vote for it. That includes my useless Sens Ernst & Grassley and this empty domed pinhead I can’t believe he beat a quality legislator like Feingold. I don’t want to sound like the proverbial old man yelling at a cloud but what the hell is happening to this country.
“I just want more assurances that I’m not going to get a lot of old people in walkers showing up at my town halls, screaming at me before I collect my bribe.”
This is what’s happening to this country.
Saw this the other day. Aldous Huxley knew what would be happening to us eventually.
This is the guy who claims people with preexisting conditions DESERVE to pay more for their insurance but doesn’t say how much more.
How about we change that to “don’t vote on it ever.”
Again, this is a valid criticism, but it’s also horseshit because you’ll vote yes once you get a few baubles to distract the idiots who re-elected you and Walker.
“I don’t have the feedback from constituencies who will not have had enough time to review the Senate bill,” Johnson said.
The fact that every medical organization (hospitals, doctors, nurses), credible economists, insurers, and others in the U.S. who have knowledge of health insurance and health care, and who have taken a position all agree the Senate bill, like the House bill before it is a POS should tell you something. But, I guess you need to check with the guy who has an 8th grade education, watches Fox all day, and has now worn out his 4th red MAGA cap, in order for you to make the right decision.
He said senators “don’t have enough information” to vote on the bill.
That’s ridiculous. Of course they have enough information.
Here you go, Senator:
- Cut Medicaid by $1 trillion.
- Give the money to rich people.
- Laugh as the poor and the disabled die while your mistress pours you another Martini.
It’s pretty simple. Even a Republican Senator should be able to understand it. Hell, even the so-called President, with his limited mental capacity, should be able to grasp it.
If the bill had gone through the hearing and markup processes any typos or other oversights would have been caught before the Senate voted on it. There’s no telling what goofs (not to mention treats the lobbyist authors slipped in) will hurt people if it passes.
He wants feedback from constituents on this bill?
Well…gee…if there was only a way for the Senate to have a fully transparent process whereby everyone from fellow Senators to stakeholders to the general public were kept informed…
They did everything except put this is a SCIF.
By “constituents”, he’s probably referring to the Kochs.
Just read they oppose this bill because it’s “a nip and tuck”, doesn’t go far enough!
Pretty much. What they’re looking for, and what can’t be done through reconciliation, is a bill that consists of one sentence:
“The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is hereby repealed, effective immediately.”
I don’t know why this is the lede when I just saw in the intro to MtP that Johnson also said, “Maybe we need to pass this and then come back and add more to it”. So he’s not really using any deliberate thought-process to base his decision. He’s a fraud. Fucking plastic man. Has been before he got into office. That’s what he did for a living…make plastic. Need oil to make plastic. That shit he made I guarantee you wasn’t biodegradable either. I still say he’s one of the dumbest, mostly inept Senators in that austere body.
Johnson will attach a Flu Tax - genius! - it will be a disincentive to getting sick!
Trump now claims that Obama did not stop the Russian hacking and espionage that Trump claimed did not occur.
How many lawyers does it take to change a Trump? (Ana Marie Cox)