Discussion: GOP Sen. Corker Slams 'Tyranny Of Talk Radio Hosts' For Impending Shutdown

At least we know McConnell won’t permit the confirmation of a Trump nomination made in the final year of his term.

Hoo-boy, that was a good one!!! :joy:
I crack myself up!! :sweat_smile:


No doubt, what a freaking dick. “I shit on the American public for years, but I’m outta here now bitches!”


Oh come on Bob you know this is the price of tax cuts and a think tank sinecure. What’s the problem?


Yeah, not good. That is serious surgery. The possibility of a 6-3 GOP majority on the court, with Breyer 80 years old, does not bear thinking about. We have to do better as Democrats. We have to win more, be more ruthless, be better at getting our way, do better at defeating the GOP. It’s going to be a long haul.


This is Trump’s brain.

This is Trump’s brain on Fox.


What the hell! The GOP created Hate Radio and now Corker is upset when that monster (and Putin) controls them? You are getting everything you deserve and more, Republicans. Wait till history comes after you with torches, pitch forks and the guillotine.


And 2017, and 2018. With regard to RBG, this is very stunning news. Hearing this makes me sick. However, the more truth that is being revealed about how the last election was decided by illegal means, i am finding it extremely difficult to accept the appointments of both Gursuch and Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS as being legitimate. Nothing that this Dotard has done in office has been in the best interests of this country, and he only has his authority due to an illegally-obtained victory with the help of a foreign adversary. These two should be removed from the bench as soon as is practically feasible, and that will be as soon as T rumpp is indicted.


Being influenced by media (legitimate or not) is many things but its not tyranny. Sen. Corker let me tell you what tyranny is. It’s when a person getting less votes is put into power to govern the people. It’s when 18% of the population control half the votes in your own legislative body and use that to force unpopular policies and appointments on the rest of the country. This anti-democracy reality that has become American governance is the tyranny.


Perhaps, but I’m not feeling it. What I’m feeling is severe depression with suicidal thoughts.


Then I would strongly suggest that you immediately get help. I’m very serious.



How about his decades long close personal and financial relationship with the communist dictator of Russia?

Please pass the scotch.


Corker: “I’m shocked – shocked – to find legislative perversion by outside influence going on in here!”

Croupier: “The keys to your new K Street office, Senator.”

Corker: “Oh, thank you very much.”


Trying. To little money to pay for help, to much to get it free. I have days I’m the one holding my wife together, then days I just can’t take anymore. Love my family too much to kill myself, wouldn’t hurt my spouse, siblings, and nieces, nephews, and greats that way, they love, we’re the “doting aunts” to 22. But I still am depressed and the thoughts intrude.

Admitting them helps them dissipate, can’t admit them to friends and family, would just hurt them.


Actually, THIS is his brain on Fox.


I bet things are more quiet in Mayberry and Mount Pilot. I can smell the apple pie right now. Mmmmm.


What is there to be so sad about? We are already on the march for 2020. Buck up and fight back. Make lemonade out of the lemons. You can do it. We’ve done it for the past two years and are still on the move. Tomorrow is just a Mueller grand jury away and the very real possibility of taking back both houses of Congress and the White House. Live for the fight. Never give in or give up.

Think of Putin and Trump in that room together in Helsinki. It’s our responsibility as citizens of this democratic republic to end this treason just like our parents and grandparents ended the Third Reich. The fight is never over and the dream never dies.


This is how I would describe Trump’s brain. Large, empty, and easy to see through.


Well I’m glad you can see that taking yourself out would hurt a lot of people because it would - they would never recover. I’m sorry you’re depressed like that - very sorry. But it really seems to me you should see if you can find professional help. I know it’s not easy here. But you do not have to suffer.