Discussion: GOP Sen.: An Opioid Treatment Carveout Alone Won't Win My O'Care Repeal Vote

Translated : you need to sweeten the pot to get my vote

For you podcast fans, this week’s one on Primary Concerns (Brian Beutler of The New Republic) has an interesting conversation with Steve Beshear about the politics of the healthcare bill in the red states. Highly recommended.

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From WV: finally! The Phantom Senator speaks! The opioid crisis is huge here, so some of what she says makes sense…but why oh why do these GOPers have to feel like they have a gun to their heads before they bring Democrats into the mix?

Shorter SMC: the only reason to undo the ACA is ideological:

“I can see in my Medicaid expansion population the availability of treatment and how well it’s working, both how they’re accessing preventative care and their primary care doctors. I want to preserve that,” she said. “So I think Medicaid does preserve that. I’m not in opposition to making sure that those folks, if they move from Medicaid expansion into the market, that they have extremely good coverage like they do at Medicaid at an affordable price. That, I think, is the crux of what we have to make. If there is a transition it has to be seamless.”

The senator said that she promised West Virginia Medicaid recipients that she would not “drop you off a cliff.”

I don’t know much about Capito… But a typical GOPer will say this just before she drops you off a cliff.

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Is the swamp over-flowing yet?

There are more goodies being dangled in front of GOP Senator’s than ever…

IOW, “I’m going to vote ‘yes.’”

Maybe if they’d “flooded West Virginia with pro-people policy” they wouldn’t need to flood it with 45 billion to get folks off Oxycontin. Pro Billionaire policy isn’t worth much in a state where the average person lives just above the Federal Poverty level. I wonder if this Senator has ever bothered to get her ass in gear and find out why so many people in her state want to escape from life. Until she fixes that she can treat em and let em go out the back door then meet em at the front in a month.

Her state sucks. It really sucks. She needs to get on that.

Addressing the drugs is a part of it but why do so many people in WV want them? What is happening ( or not happening ) in WV that makes so may people want to opt out of life and settle for being intoxicated. Oxy is a pain medication. On label for physical pain but it’s being used in WV for people “that are hurting” and not in a physical way. What can we do to take the despair and hopelessness away? If that’s not fixed we’re just funding a rehab / back to drugs cycle.