Discussion: GOP Rep: Yes, The Benghazi Committee 'Makes For Good Politics'

Discussion for article #241258

Ah, that wonderful old saying she quotes. Did your parents tell you that every night as they tucked you in? Iā€™m sure mine did.

Wow, another dummy! Amazing how they keep vying for the dumb or dumber title. :smile:


This is the individual who tied up and exasperated Lawrence Oā€™Donnell (by literally not allowing Oā€™Donnell to utter one word on his own show) during the height (depth?) of the G.O.P. Summer 2011 Standoff shenanigans.

This is the individual who had the nerve to debate Bill Nye, the Science Guy. On science.

If there is anyone who feels she has the ability to spin this in any way other than Complete Disaster for the G.O.P., it is Marsha Blackburn.

Word salad is too kind a term.


blonde trying to live the stereotypeā€¦


As the ideal representative of the dumbing down of American politics, I give you Marsha Blackburn. As much as I would like to see additional women participate in government at all levels, her level of discourse is typically equal (at best) to a snide cafeteria conversation by 7th-grade girls.


'RWNJ good politicsā€™ is amorphic by definition:

Doing as much nothing as possible to cause the most harm.



ā€œNow, thereā€™s that old saying about good policy always making good politics when youā€™re doing the right things for the right reasons, then that is going to be something that makes good politics.ā€

The human power shovel does realize thatā€™s sheā€™s digging that hole deeper doesnā€™t she?


Thatā€™s an amazing feat-- the operator of that crane is performing.



This woman is not smart. She memorizes the ā€œtalking pointsā€ and thatā€™s about it.

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Which answers are those, again? The ones that still need ā€œgotten to?ā€ How many more years is it going to take to find them?


This stupid lady is my congresswoman. She is right there with Louie Gohmert etal as the dumbest folks that walk the halls of congress!!!

blackburn is one of the most aggressively malicious republicans in the house. she lies, misrepresents and just boulders on thru; she cares not a wit about truth and facts. she is a contemptible person.


To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first then call whatever is hit the targetā€¦

Paraprosdokian # 32


You donā€™t like it when conservatives quote liberals out of context, so stop doing it yourselves. Hereā€™s what the Congresswoman said: We created a committee to investigate Benghazi because our constituents had a right to know what happened. We discovered stuff that made Hillary Clinton look bad. Good policy (getting to the truth) made good politics (discredited someone who did something bad).

As a liberal, I donā€™t believe what the Congresswoman said. But she did not say what you imply she said ā€“ that the Benghazi committee was created for political purposes. This kind of stretch makes you look bad, and it reflects poorly on liberal blogs in general.

Since when is it OK to spend taxpayer money, to fund a Congressional committee, to dig up points to favor one political party?


Always enjoy seeing the surgical ā€˜updatesā€™ to Marshaā€™s old, old face. Truth will never crawl out of her sewer pipe of a professional rat trap mouth.

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Brought to you by Marsha Blackburn (R-Comcast) who takes Comcast money to deny her constituents (who have some of the lowest access to broadband in the country) the ability to have local control.
(she still makes my dog bark when she is on tv)


Maybe 40 years agoā€¦What your seeing now is hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and dye.

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So sayeth Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R - Dim Bulb)

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