Nevermind that he’s also up for reelection.
The meme that GWB has no fault for 9/11 lives on. Can’t expect the leopards to change their spots.
Probably the reason for backing away from Donnie “Kiss of Death”…
This pearl clutching of the gop is laughable. If the they are outraged at the things trump been saying they would have blasted him on day one. It’s that some are up for reelection and their polling numbers start dropping it kinda forces their hand. It’s not like they have all of sudden enlightened about his behavior. The fact is they didn’t care till it started affecting them
Funny that NATO, not everything Trump has said about Mexicans and Muslims, is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
I rode the Tea Party wave into the House, but won’t vote for the Tea Party president.
Yeah especially since everyone in Kansas is going down in flames
I suspect we’ll see a trickle of gop candidates up for reelection start to ditch d-bag donald. Obviously, it will be easier for anyone who didn’t already endorse.
Everyone in the House is always up for reelection, every other November.
He’s Crossed ‘A Lot Of Red Lines’
Especially the one heading down below 40%
Do like most of the others, ya big sod:
Yes, but they’re not usually saddled with being linked to something as singularly toxic as a Drumpf.
I find it maddening when all this distancing is framed in political rule-breaking.
The reason not to vote for/support/endorse Trump isn’t that he’s crossed conventional political lines. It’s that he says evil ugly things that we disagree with entirely, and that no one should like to be associated with. Trump offends human sensibility.
Just another rat jumping ship.
Well sir, as they say, “So as ye sow, so shall ye reep.”
The Tea is weak in this one…
This is way too late in the game, and the D response is very easy to frame: Rats, sinking ship. This douche stuck with Donald Trump until the exact same day Trump’s poll numbers began to tank. He had no problem with Trump when he was promising to deport millions, showing himself to be a would-be dictator, etc. What a spineless hack.
There, wrote the ad. Now run this guy out of town on a rail.
Let’s get that script in front of every single Dem in a House race and saddle them all with it.
Dig into the entire interview. This guy does a whole lot of shucking and jiving.