Discussion: GOP Rep: We're Not Going To Play Games With The Debt Ceiling

Discussion for article #223898

“Nunes also warned that “the more exotic” House Republicans “aren’t going to vote for anything, no matter what it is.””

And here you thought the last congress was the most do-nothing congress in history. You ain’t seen nothing yet. It’ll be nothing but O-Care repeals for 2 years.




Interestingly straight forward assessment of the loony tunes wing of the nut ball party. I assume this guy is taking a job at Burger King tomorrow?


Anyone who believes that, I have an authentic, original sketched drawing by John Lennon for sale. I even signed it myself.


Yes, the GOP will ‘play games’…they change their positions faster than a spinning top…

“the more exotic” House Republicans…"

It’s like he’s describing a different species. Which probably makes sense when you think about it.


We can look for the walkback and tearful, abject apology by this time tomorrow, after Limbaugh, Palin, Ingraham, Erickson, Brat, Priebus, Norquist, and the entire FoxNews operation get finished threatening him.


Primary him!

I actually kinda believe it but only because March of next year will be about the time candidates will begin to announce their intentions to run for president. If they do a clean debt ceiling raise, it will be solely in an effort to protect their candidates and for no other reason. But like all things within the Republican Party, a clean debt ceiling raise will just piss off the base and raise the prospects of the batshit candidates who’ll promise to never raise the debt ceiling. The GOP is now damned if they do, damned if they don’t on almost any issue one can imagine.

“Exotic” is an interesting way to describe the insane wing of the GOP (or Tea Party). Not the word I would have chosen. On the upside, we apparently are at the point where Republicans have to use ‘dog whistle’ type language to refer to their own members.


“The Speaker has made it very clear that we are not going to become the issue in this election [or next election],” Nunes said.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I do not trust Republicans.

If there were ever a species I wished a speedy and thorough extinction…

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That is my theory. Neanderthals vs Homo Sapiens. A conflict that continues to this day.

Democrats really need to turn this into a political ad and run it every time they face a republican. Perhaps, maybe a few voters who haven’t gone completely insane and irrational might stop and think just what it is they are voting for when the vote GOP.

Isn’t it time to end the madness and actually start solving our problems? Heavens knows they are aren’t going to go away electing republicans. Its gotten so bad and so obvious, that even the republicans have begun to admit it.

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What Devin meant to say is that they’re not going to raise it again, no matter what. No games there :person_frowning:

But we’ll gin one up anyway and blame Obama for it, just like we did last time we shut the government down and played chicken with the debt ceiling.

Glad to see them gone, but how much damage will they do to the rest of us on their way down?

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The Teabag Potty Express just announced they’re launching a Retroactive Primary against the heretical RINO Devin Nunes.

I don’t imagine anyone other than the Tea Partiers believe anything these people are saying. It is 100% coded message to the believers and 0% content.