Discussion: GOP Rep. Thinks ‘Members Will Act’ To Oust Trump If Shown ‘Impeachable’ Evidence


“Where there’s smoke, and there’s a lot of smoke, there may well be fire,” he (waves smoke away) said, referring to the President (waves more smoke away) and leader of his (stops, drops, & rolls) own party.


“If there is clear evidence”? What does he need, a declaration from Trump that he has committed impeachable High Crimes and misdemeanors? Trump’s habitual lying, his overt contempt for the Constitution and for our democratic institutions are enough. His criminality is beyond doubt. Partisan support of his corrupt regime is cowardly and an unprecedented betrayal of responsibility.


“members [of Congress] will act” [to impeach Trump] if there is “clear and convincing and impeachable” evidence against President Donald Trump.

Seems to be begging the question. Also seems to be stymieing his own bold statement when he says it is “too soon” for an impeachment inquiry, but I give him credit for repurposing the GOP response to gun violence.


I clicked on this headline fully convinced the GOP Rep was Duncan Hunter. /s


LOL no they won’t. But you’ll point to this in two years as evidence you were pretending to be on the right side of history.


One of TPM’s more shrewd insights early on, is that the Trump campaign/administration’s guilty look, particularly on obstruction charges, is not unlike the way the CIA reacted to charges that they were mixed up in the JFK assassination – since they WERE doing so much shady stuff with so many shadowy characters, not even the most responsible guy in the chain of command could be THAT sure they weren’t. Better to try to cover it all up than to discover something under a rock.

Republicans are beginning to say publicly what they’ve been discussing privately all along – there is nothing in the public record to indicate President Trump would EVER say ‘this is wrong, it’s illegal, and I won’t do it’. For more than a year, the Rs have been hoping that the unravelling of Trump’s crimes will fizzle out. Now they see it’s accelerating – and they do NOT want to take another false step that will define their public careers forever after.

LOL – odd to say it, but F One Sheep Republicans are now the best hope for American self-government.


“But saluting with a coffee cup in hand?” Off with his head.


These Republican traitors refuse to recognize the impeachable offenses. It doesn’t matter what they are shown.

This is all just a game of pretend.


If Shown ‘Impeachable’ Evidence

If? This guy hasn’t been keeping up with current events.


As the NYT noted today, subversion of an election was likely one of the very offenses that the drafters of the Constitution considered when they included impeachment in the document.


I once heard a wise man say, “If ifs and buts were candies and nuts we’d all have a merry Christmas”.

Can’t remember his name though. It escapes me.


The problem that Cole and every other Republican has is that even if they do the right thing by confronting Trump and kicking him out of office, Trump is not just going to go away. He won’t be like Nixon and go off to San Clemente to live his life in obscurity. Even if impeached and convicted, Trump will still have and will certainly use the microphone. He’ll be on twitter and on Fox complaining about how he was railroaded, blah blah blah. The problem just doesn’t go away for the Republicans, no matter what they do.


What the hell do you need? Lying, bribery, conspiring with an adversary government, illegally imposing tariffs, illegally separating immigrant families and denying them amnesty, etc., etc., etc.

Does he really need to walk out on Pennsylvania Avenue and shoot someone for you idiots to do something?


Open your eyes and see then mothafucker!

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Too bad the drafters hadn’t counted on the evolution of the musket into a semi-automatic weapon, or had the forethought of an optical scan ballot.



Well but he did say the words, even if he’s making a bad joke of the standard. But Mueller’s report is liable to be chock full of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, so the GOP may get a real chance to act.

And if they don’t act, all of that is still right there foreveer = the shit they let a president get away with.


No politician defies gravity forever. A dam breaks one pebble (or Congressman) at a time. Rep. Cole sounds concerned, as he should be.

The Nixon-Watergate scandal set the GOP back for twenty years. Were it not for Reagan they may have gone the way of the Whigs. There is no Reagan waiting in the wings if Trump goes down ugly. (Trump tarred all his potential successors the 2015-2016 primaries as losers). This scandal-palooza may finally kill the party.

The AMI / Pecker testimony on the campaign finance violations combined with Cohen’s allocution and his recordings will be key to evidence of a black letter violation of the law that NO ONE will be able to deny. The question for the GOP will then be is the Rule Book important to them ?

The problem for Mueller is the Russia obstruction and conspiracy charges are complex, confusing and easy for obfuscate (which the GOP has turned into an art form). This “bimbo payoff” arrangement between Trump, Cohen and AMI is NOT.

Stay tuned - this Presidency could end in a whimper faster than anyone now imagines.


“This scandal may finally kill the party.”

From your fingertips, bruh…


They need more Democrats