Discussion: GOP Rep. Steve King Tweets Cartoon Depicting Obama In A Turban

Discussion for article #233050

The crusades never happened.

And you thought George Santayana was speaking metaphorically.

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Yep, I’m sure Obama’s forgotten all about 9/11 since that time he put a bullet in the brain of the asshole who masterminded the attacks, a man his predecessor stopped thinking about and was unable to catch for over a decade. Still, I give Steve King a pass. For a man of his intellect, talking about one thing necessarily precludes one of thinking about another. Poor thing.


Has Reince Priebus heard about this yet? I know how seriously he takes his job policing offensive political comments on twitter. MSNBC interns have been fired for less… Or have we reached the point where MSNBC interns are held to higher professional standards than Republican leaders?


I love the fact that Obama is making the loons’ heads explode. Keep up the good work, Mr. President!


Duh, that’s been the case for more than a decade.
King is a racist asshole. Torture and death have been dealt in the name of Christ through this very day, you don’t need to go so far back to see evil in the name of christianity.


The cartoons these two shitbags do aren’t “dodgy.” They are openly, vilely, sniggeringly racist. Go to Cagle’s (purveyor of unfunny stupid cartoons to conservative media outlets nationwide) website and look through them. Be prepared for a feeling of having been defiled if you do so, however. It leaves you with the same sick feeling you get when you see cartoons from Der Sturmer.


I don’t blame King. Why shouldn’t he take the shot if the President is dumb enough to set it up? Look at how much the original argument has been lost? Now we are talking about the idiotic things that Obama says and not our original assertion: That Islam as a worldwide religion is not the problem. Whoever wrote that bit needs a reality adjustment. The predominant religious affiliation in the USA, by huge margin, is Christianity. Dragging it into a negative light to support an argument about a Religion that is a minor one here and largely practiced outside of the USA…was supposed to do what?

Dumb. Dumb when Obama does it and dumb when anyone else does.

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They happened 1500 fucking years ago.

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The Cheney-Bush administration liked to take credit for preventing another 9-11.

Maybe President Obama should fly out to an aircraft carrier and appear in a flight suit under banners that say; “Got bin Laden” and “No Major Terrorist Attacks On American Soil On My Watch”. But that just isn’t his style.


Yeah keep up “the good work”. It’s pissing off about 75 % of America’s Christians…but keep it up. It’s doing nothing…nada…zilch to advance your argument…keep it up. It’s allowed your opponents to turn the whole debate on its head and in your face…keep it up.

i live in mississippi, yet i can still proudly say i don’t live in this guy’s district.


I’m not sure if you have a hidden joke in that comment?

The GOP is nothing but a bunch of despicable, craven a-holes.

And their fear and hatred of and for Obama is palpable.


as bad as we are, we aren’t steve king bad. i can’t even. they just elected ernst as well. sure we have cochran and wicker, but i’m not even sure those guys have a heartbeat.


I’m sorry, is this a thing the president has a reputation for saying?

See, this is why Republicans suck at comedy. I mean, if you are going to mock someone with a “When you say…” you kinda need to use something they actually have a reputation for, you know, saying.


I posted a picture of my penis online, and everyone commented about how good Steve King looked in the portrait from his high school graduation.


What is the procedure for having this clown censured? It’s outrageous!

Really? Based on what numbers? Are you talking about 75% of white evangelicals? Because I personally know of very few Christians who’ve ever heard about the dust up or that would take offense if they did.


Yeah, you’re right. That makes them irrelevant. Because humanity doesn’t fight wars over religion in the 21st century. And barbarism has vanished from the face of the earth along with racism and sin.

Nothing to be learned from an examination of history.

Nothing like that could ever happen today.