Is the GOP being replaced by replicant’s with spines?
Gotta start somewhere.
Please proceed…
Trump’s upcoming tweet: Never a fan!
“You shouldn’t disseminate information that you know is ultimately doctored,”
Hello, Facebook?
Congressman Hurd what are you going to do about it. This is who Trump is - a venal, small, cruel man and unfit for office. POTUS has authorized whole sale declassification of material related to the Russia investigation. As a former CIA agent, give us your analysis of how this investigation has the potential to harm national security.
I couldn’t tell – was Hurd’s brow furrowed when he said that? If so, how deeply? As deeply as Susan Collins’s when she hints that she might perhaps consider thinking about possibly saying something not-1000-percent-supportive of her president*?
If so, then – well, it’s only a matter of time before … something.
Hurd’s put his toe in the water to see how it plays, when he goes up to neck and gives a description of PP as monster, we can cheer. So far he’s just “concerned.” Meh.
Until he goes full Amash, his concern is noted but not taken seriously.
I’m as concerned about Facebook’s complicity in this as I am Trump’s. Facebook is making it clear they have learned no lessons from 2016 and will help Trump, Russia, and others spread lies, innuendos, and slanders against Democratic candidates in 2020. At least we’re forewarned this time.
Probably payback for some Democrats suggesting they need to be broken up and/or regulated. And, ironically, this proves why.
TPM, you’re welcome, already wrote tomorrow’s story for you, just copy and paste…
Full Amash is officially a thing .
BTW your governor is looking for some love, can’t seem to find it.
Facebook looked at the ad dollars and clicks and realized that they’re getting a lot of income from these sorts of videos…
I’ve been thinking that the most effective way to tackle this shit may be for the subjects of these to sue the host platform for the money made by misappropriating their likeness.
Poor Will, he’s in a world of hurd, support PP or support the republic.
“But then how will everyone love me!?”
Cries Zuck as he curls under his desk
Hurd backing Amash’s call will lead to two things: he’ll get a primary challenger and (depending on how kooky the eventual Republican winner is) that district turning blue.
Yeah. I couldn’t help but notice they shut down an artist who fashioned MAGA hats into a KKK hood in a heartbeat. And that’s actually factually correct!
I’m sure you’ve seen the logo I designed for the MAGAts… I’m right on board with that sort of activist thing. Call a spade a spade.
Keith O. as usual said it best.
Facebook’s execs not taking it down but
Facebook will downrank the video, meaning it will show up in fewer users’ news feeds. The video will remain on the platform, however. One version of it had 2.5 million views on the platform as of Friday morning, according to Facebook’s metrics.
He is passionate about climate change but he’s had a bit of a rocky time here in my state. A local Seattle Times writer calls him Sunny Jay. IMHO he does not come across as a strong candidate s/a Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris or Joe Biden. Climate Change is tough to form a campaign around and the discussion against it is much like antivaxxers arguments. Science doesn’t matter to some folks, expertise is over rated to some folks, and so that is the way it goes.
ETA: I am done for a bit. Having friends and family over for a Memorial Day BBQ. Ciao all.