So, “Chuck” -
Are you crazy, stupid, or a liar?
I know, I know, the correct answer is “Yes.”
The “reality is not reality” defense.
Trump never said that thing he said.
To George Stephanopoulos.
On a national network interview.
On video tape.
Awesome defense of GOP crimes!
Shorter Fleischmann: “Please take me neither seriously nor literally.”
(did we ever figure out what that turn of phrase meant?)
THe DEeP stAte maDe Trump sAy thOse wRds by tricKinG him inTo believing ThE interView wAs off the reCord anD wasNt being filmed.
The TV camera wasn’t sitting on top of a Bible, so it doesn’t count.
That old “Lying? Or Stupid?” bit that Al Franken used to do on Air America needs to be updated for 2019 with lots stronger and swearier words.
To quote one of his fellow Southerners, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
What’s even sadder is Rep. Flyschitt has his head so far up his backside that he willy denies what is in plain sight.
There are no words anymore.
Ms. Pelosi is certainly correct that the American people “should be appalled,” but unfortunately, the American people had that function removed during an otherwise routine gall bladder surgery somewhere around November 2000.
Yup. It’s a collective hallucination on everyone’s part. We all dreamed it together.
Just wait until the Goopers begin to wake up to the potential of “deep fake” video.
Once that light goes on, they’ll claim everything is deep fake — except, of course, the stuff that actually is.
Where’s Chico Marx when we need him, Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?
Yeah,those cameras were just there for atmosphere — none of them contained any film, dontcha know.
For the win!
Aaand another village in Tennessee is missing its idiot…
Another GOP Rep: Only battleground states matter.