Discussion: GOP Rep. Says He Would 'Never Vote' To Cut Meals On Wheels Funding

I remember when Gingrich said kids should do janitorial work to ‘earn’ their lunch. Are they going to be Nana and Papaw to work too scrubbing floors somewhere?


Right…I just saw all you liars standing with Trump insisting taking away peoples health care was GREAT and just a ‘little bit inconvenient’. So Chris? Meals on Wheels is good? They can eat until they die? Because they sure as sht won’t be able to get any health care? What a guy.

A day may come when the courage of obnoxious white assholes fails, when we forsake our friends and need an excuse to drink ourselves into a vomit-encrusted stupor. But it is not this day.


When King George II canceled S-Chip and threw a few million poor children of insurance John Stewart and John Oliver did a piece:

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Season 12 Ep 12610/4/07

For more on the president’s veto of health care for poor sick children we go to John Oliver, … John take it away

Full Video [2:39]

John Oliver reports from 19th century London how kids get their health care from their employer, not the government

the er chins r killin an or they is … and it aint even Christmas.


" eliminates the Community Development Block Grant"
See? As I have said before. This is a page taken directly out of Reagan’s greasy playbook.
How long will it be before they “Get around” to “eliminating the Block Grant” that Squeaker Ryan and his thugs want to convert Medicare into?
These Snake Oil selling hacks never met a “Block Grant” they didn’t like, as long as they have a chance to de-fund it.


The Congressman will however vote for caskets on wheels which should ease the impending burden of death by starvation created by his mollifying bullshit.


" It’s one thing not to feed some abstract “lazy” class of people to punish the parents for being poor. "

That’s exactly what the 1% has done to America. Poverty is no longer a social ill that needs to be lifted from a society as a whole. (Remember the Greasy-haired B Movie Actor who said that “People choose to be poor.”?)
Today, rich people have turned that on its head and poverty has become a crime for which the individual is “responsible.”
The truth is this: Hungry Kids don’t learn well.
But these vermin who have “criminalized” poverty as a method to enrich themselves don’t give a tinker’s dam about hungry kids. Or learning. All they care about is getting the money that is spent on “social programs” into their own slimy pockets, or failing that, under their control as a vehicle for thair own enrichment.
OK, you slimeballs. If poverty is a “crime” would someone kindly tell me what “Crime” these hungry kids have committed? What “Choice” did they make which led them so far astray?

Translation. I’ve got a lot of voters who use Meals on Wheels in my district.

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I think this is all just distraction from other things in the proposed budget. By proposing to ax every possible benefit to the American public, things like privatizing air-traffic controllers will slip by without dissent and with nary a mention. Taking food away from seniors and children is unlikely to become reality, and was probably never expected to become reality, but the outcry over this and a few other disastrous things will consume all the oxygen such that we’ll scarcely notice how badly we’re being screwed by the things in the proposed budget that do pass.

It’s called anchoring – once our expectations have been lowered we’ll actually feel grateful to have “only” suffered these other losses.

Taking this “poverty is a crime” business and putting it into a religious perspective, you get the Prosperity Gospel heresy. It has infected evangelical circles and in particular the religious right in a big (but often subtle ) way.

The idea that riches are an award from God for being righteous - but not necessarily for acting righteously - is a big cop out for both wealthy and corrupt preachers. But there’s more to it than that. People who are constantly reminded to pray for things, for money, and who reflexively thank God or Jesus for whatever comes their way through either luck or hard work, remove that agency and responsibility on one level and put it all on themselves on another.

If you are wondering where a lot of Trump’s support comes from, especially from people who logically stand to gain the least and lose the most from his anti-poverty anti-poor people policies, there’s your answer.

And it’s not just a religious thing. Whenever you hear how we need a good businessman, and Trump must be a good businessman because how else could be so rich, that’s just the secularized version.

I’d lose my elections! Oh yeah , because my majority died off. that wouldn’t be good either, almost forgot that part.