OT — but not by much when you consider the overwhelming paternalism at the heart of this budget, which shows itself in the most cruelest of ways for our society.
This is really funny if you’ve already seen the original…
OT — but not by much when you consider the overwhelming paternalism at the heart of this budget, which shows itself in the most cruelest of ways for our society.
This is really funny if you’ve already seen the original…
What Collins doesn’t tell you is that federal and state funding for food and services to, for example, the disabled has either been cut or not kept up with increased demand in NY.
His words mean nothing.
Team Ossoff better be fucking preparing an ad on this shit right now. With the AHA destruction of healthcare for anyone over 60, Dems can very substantively and honestly ask GA voters to send the “out-of-control” GOP a strong message.
Fulminating against Collins feels good, but defeating him next year would feel a whole let better. And Collins can be beaten IF Democrats and The Resistance organize, continuously attack, register new voters and pick a tough opponent. Collins was first elected in 2012, barely beating the Democratic incumbent. He has had pretty much a free ride since, but the district’s history and the disaster of the Republican budget and healthcare proposals make him an important and obvious target. You don’t have to question Collins’ sincerity about Meals on Wheels to know that fear - political fear for his future - was the subtext of his support for that program. You can almost smell that fear. The Democrats need to hang the Trump budget around Collins’ neck. Are they smart enough to do so?
I am hoping that you’re totally wrong and I am feeling that you’re totally right!
Isn’t the probable outcome like this though? Trump says he would never really end Meals on Wheels for needy people (must have been some confused advisor!) and GOP voters hasten to agree it was all a big misunderstanding. Trump takes enormous credit for not being a predatory blood sucking freak and everybody applauds him! First to applaud him is that lunatic despicable character “Van whatever” on CNN!
In other words, Collins is afraid of being voted out. This has nothing to do with him caring about anyone other than himself.
The bilious cynic on me sez the ones complaining on his FB page are either Democrats or Trumpers who will actually have to lose tangible financial benefits before they’ll even consider voting for a Democrat. Tribal affiliations trump everything else for those lunkheads.
And since I’m letting the bile flow: fuck St. Patrick’s Day. It’s nothing more than an excuse for obnoxious white assholes wearing dumbass green hats to drink themselves into a vomit-encrusted stupor.
I’ll admonish you when I stop clapping and climb down from the chair I’m standing on.
Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny starver, has been shoved aside by Mick Mulvaney. Meals on Wheels is not only one of the most decent things we do with our tax dollars, but also one of the most efficient uses (for those psychopaths who put zero dollar value on decency).
MOW leverages federal dollars with donated funds, state and local funds, and millions of volunteer hours. The meal delivery and the regular check-ins help mean seniors stay out of nursing homes longer and avoid a lot of hospital stays.
In short, those emmer effers who can only see ROI that puts money in their pockets can ESAD.
Translation. I’ve got a lot of old people who use Meals on Wheels in my district.
This only works if the Democrats let it work by accepting his explanation. The Democrats should start referring to the Trump budget as the “Starve Granny” budget and not even acknowledge any attempt by him to backtrack. And in each Republican district, they should tie the budget to the Republican Congressman, so that in Collins’ district it becomes the “Collins Starve Granny” budget. Democrats are way too polite, which is why the Republicans control everything.
What he means is that he’s not going to vote for that particular line item if it comes up specifically. The budget as a whole he will vote for and then affect surprise that it does what he said he wouldn’t vote for.
Collins got burned by a constituent on national teevee (CNN) and it is a thing of beauty.
“Just because I didn’t vote for you, just because I don’t agree with your legislative agenda, am I any less entitled to your representation in Congress?” she asked. “Then please respond to my e-mails requesting that.”
Ask a teacher, geez. You know that “state and local control” here means that those “overpaid” educators are going to pay for peanut butter sandwiches out of their own pockets.
In any case remember not so long ago when there was a school that turned away kids whose parents weren’t up to date on the reduced price lunches? The optics were terrible. It’s one thing not to feed some abstract “lazy” class of people to punish the parents for being poor. It’s quite another to have a local news crew showing an actual, hungry kid sitting at an empty table.
Wait, I think that’s just a Packers game.
So we can’t afford to spend money on projects just because they sound good? You mean like the great wall? That is totally one giant photo-op and will do nothing to keep anyone in or out?
That is rich!
“GOP Rep. Says He Would ‘Never Vote’ To Cut Meals On Wheels Funding.”
Talk is cheap, you cackhanded tool. Back it up with a real vote.
I think Mulvaney went to that school. And obviously he starved.
Congress shows no demonstrable results either. I wonder if we can get rid of them too.
“Starve Granny and kill Big Bird”