Discussion: GOP Rep On Vaccines: An 'Oppressive State' Shouldn't Tells Us What To Do

Nobody said that Sean Duffy was smart—just that he was conservative, which is pretty much the opposite of smart.

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Can we stop with the “extremists on both sides are the problem”? Anti-vaxx Nutcases on the Left are not driving Public Policy and they don’t hold office.


You’ve never been to Marin County in California have you?

“I know my kids best. I know what morals and values are right for my children.”

But you apparently don’t know jack shit what epidemiological threats they face. The Bible doesn’t mention measles, so I guess you’re off the hook, right?

Yep. He’s probably thinking of the HPV vaccine. Can’t be interfering with God’s punishment of girls who have premarital sex, or girls who marry boys who had premarital sex, or women who marry divorced men. Cancer is God’s judgment on sex that doesn’t meet with dad’s approval. Family values, don’tcha know.

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Ten year survivor here. I hope you will get the best care and be as fortunate as I have been. Hang in there.

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Keep you kids away from Republicans.

So I guess he’s fine with Sharia law for Muslims?

So, Politicians are not scientists when it comes to climate change, but they are all doctors when it comes to vaccines… Obstetricians and gynecologists and women’s health, etc… Can we just agree that they should STFU when it comes to matters of health and choices???

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“…We should not have an oppressive state telling us what to do…”


Sean Duffy’s family values amount to how much the Link family, of manufactured beef stick fame, value their corporate jet. His crowning achievement is getting the Hayward airport expanded so the Link family can land easier.

His opinion of vaccinations just illustrate Amanda Marcotte’s contention that anti-vaccinators are elitists who think they know better than the most obvious no-brainer in all of western medicine.

I think these idiotic statements should disqualify this idiot not only from public office, but also from parenting.

And he’s already spawned SEVEN kids!

He thinks he’s showing virtue, as his kids will be unprotected from hepatitis and HPV. Likely thinks his kids won’t be one of the bad ones who grows up and has premarital sex or does drugs, because he’s a good person. Doesn’t realize that no one thinks that. And of course even if his kids are monogamous angels, he can’t control what their spouses do, and so they’d still be at risk.

He knows that some of them have to do with sex and body parts, and that’s icky, so he’s opting out.

I wonder if Duffy is a “former” attorney because he knows percious little of the law. The state tells us what we can and can’t do all the time: in order to hunt, to drive, refrain from theft, murder and violence and so on. The inherent “police power” cannot be exercised arbitrarily, but it is common and it is a GOP favorite.

The power of states to regulate and mandate vaccine use was established more than 100 years ago in the Supreme Court Jacobson case. There is a narrow religious exception, but otherwise, its been well settled years ago.

Duffy is free to form his own Luddite Leper colony if he chooses, but his right to harbor and expose me to communicable diseases ends, pretty much, when he leaves his house.

Folks, this all about denying there’s any good in collective action to solve problems. They are incapable of admitting that even an issue as clear-cut as this one - which has a proven record of success - might be at least one good example of the “oppressive government” doing something that is for everyone’s benefit.

people…lets not forget the progress we are making as a nation with reference to women’s rights. women fought hard for the right to do with their bodies what they want in roe vs. wade and won, even if that right means the explicit termination of another’s life. now you are trying to enslave women again, telling them what they must do with their bodies, or their children’s bodies…on the premise that there MIGHT be a health risk or life risk. if vaccines are totally safe and effective, then get your vaccine and sip on tea and eat crumpets while the world outside burns around you. all the tea partiers will die and you will be free to rebuild the world as you see it should be.

Does a woman have the right not to feed her child? Does she have the right not to provide her child with an education? Does she have the right not to seek any medical attention if her child becomes ill?

In short, your position is classic libertarian nonsense.

the issue at hand is not whether we CAN do a thing, or even if that thing is what we think is the RIGHT thing to do. the issue is whether the government has the RIGHT to FORCE you to do something. and the answer is no… the government cannot compel you to do anything. otherwise that is slavery. they can only REFRAIN you from violating the rights of other. courts cannot compel any action, they can only assign rights. when you get sued and lose, you are not compelled to pay that debt. the plaintiff merely has the RIGHT to make a claim against your assets. now, there may be adverse actions against you if you don’t pay…but nobody can FORCE you to do anything in this country. that’s the essence of liberty. the spirit of liberty is the freedom to do whatever you want unhindered…but we have all been so jealous of everybody else’s liberty so much we’ve see fit to make sure we have as little of it as possible. just take the vaccine yourself and if vaccines are as effective as you believe they are, then you should have nothing to worry about. when you fight so vehemently it makes it seem more and more like there really IS a secret agenda “JUST DRINK THE FREAKING KOOL-AID!!! IT’S NOT GOING TO HURT YOU! I KNOW WHAT’S GOOD FOR YOU BETTER THAN YOU DO!” the whole matter is actually rather immature and shows how far we have degraded to the parent/child mindset. when can we stop worrying about what other people are doing and just worry about our own lives? just make the vaccines free and whoever wants one can get one. i will tell you why there is an incentive to mandate everyone get it. because if there are negative side effects it will be harder to blame the pharm companies for their screw-up if you can’t trace it. when you have a giant control group: people who got the vaccine, and people who didn’t get the vaccine…and everyone who got the vaccine had negative side effects, and nobody who got the vaccine had side effects, then it becomes easy enough for a child to figure out who to point the finger at. vaccine mandates are about saving one ass, and one ass only: big pharma. they don’t give a shit about you.

you’re absolutely god-damned right she has the right to not do those things. it’s called giving up for adoption you moron. who the hell are you to think that you know better what to do with someone else’s child? are you their parent? would you accept me telling you how to raise your kid? then why do we accept the government telling us what to do? legal gun possession is proven to reduce violent crimes and break-ins. should we mandate that everyone be required to own a gun in their home? there’s lots of little brats running around that might shoot themselves…that’s not a safe solution to save lives either. your line of reasoning can be used to justify compelling a free person to do anything you want them to in the name of their own best interest.

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