Discussion: GOP Rep. On Trump Jr. Meeting With Russian Lawyer: 'Nothing Wrong With It' (VIDEO)

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Goodness, Duffy’s drunk the Kood-Ade by the bucket, hasn’t he?


Whistling past the graveyard in the night…


Nice to know that collusion is not limited to the White House. Nor is complete and utter moronitude, party-before-country, and traitorous behavior.

Maybe Kris Kobach should check the citizenship and loyalty oaths of the Rethug Congress before harassing real Americans. Start with Duffy, move on to Ryan and McConnell.

PS: “Nice to know” == “not surprising that all Rethugs are anti-American”


So Duffy thinks it’s all right to meet with an agent of an enemy government that clearly wants to interfere in our “free and open” elections. Thereby setting yourself up for blackmail.

Should make for a great campaign ad for his opponent.

Everything is burning down around them and they’re too stupid to scurry as fast as their little feet will take them far far away.


And if there just happens to be a “retired” Russian intelligence officer in the room? Nothing to see here, right traitor?


Former reality show star defends Dim Son of former reality show star. Quelle surprise!


Once the GOP convinces everyone fraternizing with Russian moles is acceptable they can move on to normalizing rape.


Its amazing that these people are willing to defend this when they gotta know that this isn’t the last shoe to drop.


on to? you mean “back to”.


Sean Duffy, another Russian Republican.


Ok. So maybe it should be legal for foreign governments to make cash donations to candidates. As much as they want. Kind of Citizens and Foreigners United. I’m sure the Roberts court would give their blessing.


:tada: It’s a Treason Party, everyone center-right is invited. :confetti_ball:


Wisconsin is well on its way, and likely has now surpassed Florida, with the number of crazies per capita.


Sean, do you really want to be characterized as “dumber than Louie Gohmert?” Really?


After months of receiving requests for meetings from advocates for sexual assault survivors, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has finally decided to sit down with them. But she’s also meeting with groups that are critical of Title IX guidance on campus rape, some of which have histories of intimidating rape survivors and dismissing domestic abuse against women.
The department reached out to the National Coalition for Men, SAVE: Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, and Families Advocating for Campus Equality, according to Politico.

Harry Crouch, president of National Coalition for Men, has also vocally blamed survivors for the abuse they faced. In a 2014 interview with Pacific Standard, Crouch defended Ray Rice, a former football player, who was indicted in 2014 on third-degree aggravated assault for an incident involving his then fiancee. “I’m not saying he’s a good guy,” Crouch said. “But if she hadn’t aggravated him, she wouldn’t have been hit. They would say that’s blaming the victim. But I don’t buy it.”

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sounds like it’s time to open an investigation into Duffy, then.

I mean, this:

"… well, you know what, I might have someone else take that meeting. I might not take that meeting myself. But I might still want the information.”

so he’d definitely accept foreign intelligence against another American and for his own benefit, but he’d try to hide his involvement and preserve plausible deniability by sending someone else.

if that’s not patriotic, I don’t know what is.


Oh Sean…you’d sell your first born child to gain access…all the while bemoaning the fact that the DEMOCRATS made you do it. There IS something wrong with it. You DON’T sell out your country to a foreign hostile nation for ‘dirt’. If you didn’t LEARN that in your travels you’re as stupid as you seem to be.


Dems need to keep primarying his ass. I see in the last 3 election cycles, they have. The previous 3 election cycles before then, this dumbass know-nothing ran unopposed. He’s made some wildly insensitive and boneheaded comments over the years. Time to make him toxic with his own base. That’s the only way to do it with some of these creeps. His little soldier for the party routine, is wearing thin.


Shared with his airhead Fox News wife.

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