Discussion: GOP Rep: New Speaker Will Have To Worry About Losing His Or Head

Discussion for article #241043

Whoa! Somebody else used to govern that way.


“We are really a tough group to lead,” Flores said.

 Old cat herders are coming out of retirement and descending on DC even now.
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GOP Selection Committee Studying Who Should Replace Boehner


Nah, that’s Ted Cruz’s Senate office staff.

Ooops, my bad. One and the same.


If only the house GOP were as smart as those guys…

the endless use of violence in their language is disgraceful…

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That sounds about right. The more power the teabaggers get, the more they’ll refuse to understand why the country hasn’t burned down and/or that Dems haven’t been put in jail as they wanted.


. . .chair of the Republican Study Committee

I didn’t know you could combine the words “Republican” and “study” in the same sentence. Amazing!


Wow… So at least one teabagger has an actually functioning brain…shocking!

The Guillotine is fast, though…


[where have I heard that word before?]

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You’re a bunch of assholes who aren’t worthy of your offices. The end.

The thirty most sensible Republicans just need to switch parties. Let Nancy Pelosi lead a coalition of grown-ups who at least get the bills paid on time before moving on to petty nonsense.


What’s wrong with implementing democracy?

Just bring the budget, immigration, and other issues up for a vote.

If the Republicans can defund Planned Parenthood, and vote for cloture and override a veto they win.

When they can’t, and the Democrats beat them like a harp seal, bring up a clean bill.

If they can’t defeat it, tough shit, win an election for a change.


“We are really a tough group to lead,” Flores said.

Yup. It’s tough to herd cats.

Well, with that welcome, I’m sure people will line up for the chance.

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I pity the fool who becomes the next speaker.


no no…not a tough group by a long shot…a selfish group, yes, a whacked out group, yes, an insufferable group…bingo! But tough implies courage and that is something house republicans are lacking in spades. Lets call a spade a spade…you’re all cowards.


When you adopt what is almost completely an extremist agenda and base it on your unwillingness to compromise, yeah, that’s not called ‘governing’, that’s called an authoritarian regime. Look how those go about ‘solving’ their problems.

If this wasn’t reality, I’d say ousting Boehner for not being conservative enough was the Republican jumping the shark moment, but this Tea Bagger rabbit hole keeps getting deeper and deeper.


I wonder if the GoP is having second thoughts on opening their arms to the tea party klan…