Discussion for article #244400
I went to college with this idiot, and by calling him an idiot, I’m being kind.
So improving the speed and accuracy of already Constitutionally sound background checks, effectively closing the gun-show loophole, increasing mental healthcare access to make sure we get crazy people help instead of a gun is “taking away the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens is just the latest, if not most egregious, violation of the separation of powers found in the United States Constitution”…?
What ever you say you ignorant meatball.
Steve Palazzo clearly has way too much time on his hands. He needs to get his head out of his a$$ start working at solving some real problems.
Please let Nancy Pelosi and a bunch of other democrats call a press conference to announce they will be voting for this, not because they support it but because they just want the American people to see which Republican doofus will actually stand up to make the censure while our kids are getting killed.
censuring a President actually may run afoul of the Constitution
I really wish congressmen were required to take and pass a basic civics course before serving. Otherwise we have no way of knowing if things like this are cynicism or just raw ignorance.
The executive actions announced Tuesday by the president include expanding background checks for gun purchases and investing $500 million in mental health treatment.
I think you could spend the entire combined wealth of the planet on mental health treatment and it would be insufficient in dealing with the insanity that is the United States. We're an old, dry, diseased forest desperately in need of lightning.
“For seven years, the President has gradually expanded his powers through executive overreach,” the Mississippi lawmaker wrote in a statement published on his website. (Rep. Steven Palazzo-MS)
Most every single President has done so. Where have you been … not paying attention?
"His actions this week to take away the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens is just the latest, if not most egregious, violation of the separation of powers found in the United States Constitution.” (same derp)
This clarification takes away nothing. Seriously, folks – this is nothing but grandstanding and “points” for fundraising and something to allude to when running for re-election.
Well, it IS Mississippi.
DIAF, Teatrolls.
"His actions this week to take away the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens "
Except they quite literally don’t take away any rights. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Keine.
We will censure him just after we are done impeaching him which will happen after we repeal Obamacare.
Violating the Constitution to protect it from a non-existent threat. Sounds like a great plan.
Please proceed.
The executive actions announced Tuesday by the president include expanding background checks for gun purchases and investing $500 million in mental health treatment.
Please earmark some of that $500 million for Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-MS).
…he has to first realize that his head is in his ass… only THEN can he get to the bottom of his problems.
Pallooka keeping up the “Do-Nothing” tradition established in 2010…
Omygod! Obama did or did not do something! The sky is totally falling and we’re all gonna die!
Dear Steven,
You are boring. Stupid, also too. Please proceed. Thank you.
The American People
Well, it IS Mississippi.
Where they buy Velveeta in the gourmet section and watch “The Beverly Hillbillies” on PBS.
If the GOP thinks mental health is the biggest component of this than why don’t they propose their own measure to help the mental health system out? It is shameful as it is and needs help for this reason and just for the human dignity of the people with mental illness. Far to hard to get help right now.
He’s gonna have to split that treatment money with Speaker Fruitcake, the GOP caucus in each chamber, and all the GOP presidential candidates. And compared to, say, addictions or dissociative identity disorder, the conditions these guys are suffering from is gonna be very, very expensive to treat.