If Kinzinger patronized one of Trump’s doctors he wouldn’t have to do this bullshit.
Thanks Donald!
So he goes from sitting around all day doing nothing in CONgress to sitting around all day doing nothing at the border. One can only hope the food is better. And the weather…
Hmmm, I wonder if, after his deployment, he might be willing to get some time on the House floor to talk about his mission there. Maybe a little bit of truth telling from someone that is ACTUALLY THERE!!!
C’mon, Nancy - make some time on the schedule for this guy when he returns.
Why do they need National Air Guard forces in the border, did the caravan members acquired bombers and fighters?
This seems a result of their inability to hire people to do the job.
As a result they need to pull in the various reserve armies.
Too bad it’s not August and him in full kit.
There’s been talk of trebuchets. Really, really, really big trebuchets.
They would have less problem hiring Border Patrol officers if they stopped throwing the ones they got in jail…
Hmmm. Republican LTC in the Guard. This kid will be in charge of Public Information, which for this operation will be more like PsyOp. Propaganda thick and fast.
I look forward to breathless reports about the Battle of El Paso. “And there were rockets - lots of rockets!”
Thank God, Kinzinger’s there to strafe the evil caravans. We’d be doomed without him. Doomed, I tell you!
So how many troops are currently deployed to the border?
Seems like a nice news piece would be video of exactly what they are doing at the border, and what this is costing the taxpayer.
How long til we get an opsec violation via Facebook, Twitter, or his official webpage?
The Constitution prohibits serving in two of the three major branches of the federal government. In other words: Legislative, Executive, or Judicial - pick one. So how is it okay for a member of the Legislative branch to serve in the Executive branch as a member of the Armed Services?
This is absolutely outrageous…a sitting member of Congress deployed to assuage Trump’s vanity…a travesty.
Maybe, but look him up. He has wings and is or was an active military pilot. Interestingly, he flew surveillance aircraft at one point. May not like the politics, but got to give him his due.
CNN is gonna be sad. This doofus was in regular rotation with this I-disagree-with-Trump-but-support-him-120% schtick