Discussion: GOP Rep. King Defends Arpaio, Says DACA Recipients Should Turn In Parents

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In congressman King’s mind Anne Frank should have ratted out her folks.


“On Monday, he also appealed to young DACA recipients to turn their parents in to law enforcement.”

Rep. Steve King (R-East Germany)


““How do you avoid doing that if you’re going to enforce immigration law?” King responded. “And eventually, every once in a while, you get somebody that is a citizen by accident.””

Read carefully. Not only does he think it’s ok and effective law enforcement, he apparently thinks that if you just round up brown people to find all the illegals, the false positives will be few and far between. This is something I’ve mentioned before about their delusions and confabulations and total misperception of reality: when they look around and see all these brown folks that were never here in such numbers when they were growing up in that imaginary America of yesteryear that they’ve invented in their heads, they LITERALLY think the shifting demographics are a result of illegal immigration and that most of them are here illegally. That is a direct product of their underlying feelings that “they” don’t have the right to be here anyway, especially if “they” are trying to “take over.”


Pu-King proving once again, Gooper’s are not human, just the devil’s spawn.

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Can we just drop him in NK, or would that violate some international treaty preventing one country from dropping toxic waste on another country?


Rep. Steve King was raised a Methodist and converted to Catholicism after his marriage. One wonders how he reconciles his severe political positions with respect to human dignity with the tenets of his faith…

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Either faith or any faith out there, well maybe Olsteen’s brand of whatever he’s selling.


Steve King should be arrested and tried by a judge.

Clearly Rep. King has been taking lessons from the Communists.

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“That is what he did,” Cuomo said. “I’m not saying it. It’s what the Justice Department said and you’re well aware of these facts. Whether or not you agree with his practices is something else.”

“How do you avoid doing that if you’re going to enforce immigration law?” King responded. “And eventually, every once in a while, you get somebody that is a citizen by accident.”

Said by the man who appears to owe his reasoning ability…
To a genetic accident.

Is Iowa as horrific as King makes the state appear and sound? My god people look at what you are voting for. Another immoral and inhuman Republicans.

Is this “cantaloupe calves” King?

Everything about this makes me feel sick to my stomach. Most of these people are the kinds of citizens that countries dream of having a whole population made of - they are pursuing education and good jobs that will in turn put tax dollars in our treasuries.

Promises were made to these people, too. They relied on them.

Talking about turning in one’s parents as a good thing for any reason is so immoral I almost can’t even but I"ll remind Kind of the goddamn 10 fucking commandments - Honor thy mother and father.

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