Discussion: GOP Rep.: John Lewis Hasn't Contributed Anything Since Civil Rights Era

He has a point. King took the time to build a model of “the wall” out of a waffle box and dental floss, yet I know of no such effort by John Lewis.


Whereas you, Representative King, have been active in civil rights for over 4 decades. Actively setting them back, but active nonetheless. Consider yourself unworthy to carry Lewis’ luggage.

Oh, he’s contributed alright, like every other asshole out there in Republican retroland, he’s provided so much bullshit over the years, it is knee-deep in Guthrie County and growing statewide, Iowans sent him to DC to get him out of Iowa before he buries everyone.

The Swamp can take it these days, they drained most of it into Trump’s cabinet, and there’s lots more room for all that bullshit.

that was no prototype, that WAS the wall…

Clearly, he has taken some cues from the Projector IN Chief (Elect)…

…how many posts here already refer to his reputation as legislatively worthless?

Since the Trump took over the Republican Party, their worst guilt is perpetually exposed by their outrageous accusations.

Its like he flipped their hypocrisy switch to permanent “ON.”

They always attack the messenger, not the message. Every time.

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