“I smell a rat, like a lot of Americans."
Go take a shower–the rat you smell is you.
(This guy’s district is ripe for a Democratic takeover, right? For having a congressman who is too dumb to tie his own shoes.)
Desperation as a form of governance. If there were a plausible way to blame ISIS on extreme weather events they would have theories flowing out of their sweet lying asses.
This is how desperate they’ve gotten? An ISIS conspiracy against country music fans in Vegas? What, Perry? Did Hillary and John Podesta get a Kenyan ISIS terrorist with the alias “Stephen Paddock” a fake passport so he could cross the border from The Rapey Anti-Trump Country, enter the US under false pretenses, and commit multiple murders to make Donald Trump, the NRA, and the GOP look bad?
Please shout your conspiracy from the rooftops, Mr. Perry. Especially the month before the 2018 midterms.
Snort a couple of more rails, Rep. Perry. Maybe you can think of a way to blame ISIS for the government shutdown.
Well it couldn’t have been an old white man acting alone.
Frankly I’m appalled Signourney Weaver hasn’t attracted more scrutiny.
Let it be recorded for posterity that the official Television Channel of the Republican Party pushes this kind of pulled out of thin air crap, constantly. And that the Republican President and congresspeople watch this crap every day of the week.
and then to have the temerity to discuss “Fake News” from LIBRUL NY Times and WA PO
This explanation requires the use of Occam’s entire toilet kit: toothbrush, nail clippers, and nose hair trimmer, especially.
Without evidence, without credibility, without a brain.
Perry is my Gerrymandered congressman from the York county area of PA.
His base is white working class NRA types,who should be Dems, from rural areas.
MY part of Cumberland County,in fact the whole county,is Repub.
I hope ,but that might be all I have.
Idiots just can’t wait for a mass killing by "terrorist infiltration through the south border.” Nothing would please them more. I guess in the absence of the real thing, they’ll just make shit up and spread it on Fox News.
Plausibility is apparently not actually required.
Basically it.
They are always disappointed when it ain’t a MOOSLIM
dommy, where did you get all this classified information? The “Deep State ™” was supposed to wipe that evidence from Killery’s supersecret ISIS hard drive which was in the basement of Comet Ping Pong with the pedophile ring and Obummers’ muslim terror cell.
Better watch out man, because Podesta’s assassin army is probably on your trail. They’ll get you just like they got Vince Foster and Seth Rich!
There are plenty of Alex Jones disciples who believe that bullshit!
Does Rep. Perry get his hair done at SuperKKKuts?
You should run against him on the platform, “He’s too dumb to be in Congress, even.”
“The FBI and Las Vegas metro police department have been conducting investigation. We see no evidence of a terrorist attack,” she said.
Say what? If I’m not mistaken we now have video evidence that Rep. Scott Perry just perpetrated a terrorist attack against the United States by flat out lying in an effort to scare his constituents into voting for Republican’ts…