Discussion for article #225911
I was more of a bar brawler than a street fighter, but I’m pretty sure I can take out damn near any woman in her 70’s or later.
Remember this back in mid-2012?
“The bottom line is I wish the president would have told us, talked to Congress about what is the plan. Is there a plan? Is the mission to take Gadhafi out? Where does it stop?” Do we go into Africa next? I don’t want to sound callous or cold, but this could go on indefinitely around the world.”
Hey MENSA Member! Libya IS in Africa!
A strategically placed beer mug upside said 70+ year old lady’s head will do the trick as well. I am assuming that’s how Marino rolls…
Marino’s next campaign ad:
First you kick their cane out from under them. Then you kick them in the hip when they’re down.
Marino told me that’s his preferred move anyway.
If you have to tell people you’re not afraid of an elderly woman, you have lost your argument. You are afraid. Very afraid.
“I was a state prosecutor and U.S. attorney. I’ve been threatened by drug dealers and organized crime and murderers. This was a walk in the park.”
Because now that he has to go to those toughs for campaign financing, he has to be nice to them.
If you have to tell people how tough you are, then you aren’t.
Hey Marino, Nancy was Speaker. You are never going to be more than a back bencher, and an asshole back bencher at that.
Pimps up hoes down.
Ol Dirty Marino
If you have to call yourself a “street fighter” then you’re by definition a punk.
The street-fighter gentleman. Cool, somewhat conflicting metaphor.
Nancy Pelosi would KICK HIS ASS if he ever took a swing at her.
More Tea-Bagger-Puffery “Tough Guy” talk to troll the knuckle-draggers. “I am SO BUTCH I can beat up Grandmothers!”
“I’m not afraid of Nancy Pelosi. I’ve beat up girls before.”
And brass knuckles. One to the left and a nice uppercut. That should take care of her.
Nancy was a strong speaker compared to that cry baby, Boner.
Pelosi can kneecap a snot-nosed backbencher without lifting a finger.
Marino won’t even know it’s been done.
And I’m going to stand up and fight for my constituents.”
Damn right! And one way to fight for his contituents is to criticize Nanci Pelosi’s time as Speaker four whole years ago! A few of the people in his district probably found job job jobs after his little House floor street fight rumble. Don’t mess with M-Dawg!.