More like arrogant? Dismissive? Unrepentant? Insensitive?
I guess one possible interpretation is “We’re desperate for a soft landing at this point and this Pruitt punk ain’t helping.”
I was thinking pusillanimous pustule which is a word if you say it real fast.
Nice work congressman. It must feel good to tell the truth…By the way isn’t that Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd of Fake News NBC?
Another retiree, newly freed to let his Captain Obvious side out.
Great, and I’m out of Windex for my monitor screen. Thanks…
The bastard dastardly bought the lock without a thought to the gravity of the depravity – he’s a rapacious loquacious rascal that must face justice.
A word that combines the idea of cowardice, betrayal, venality, not-too-brightness, clueless arrogance, prim peevishness, and pusillanimous pustularity may not exist. But maybe someday we’ll call such a person a “pruitt,” the way we call a national betrayer a “quisling” now. It even sounds like all that. “I never knew he was such a pruitt.”
We’d see more reasonable Republicans if we can continue to un-gerrymander additional states. That has to be our priority. There’s a reason he’s resigning from Congress after all.
So the moniker would be Pruittly Trumpish or Trumpishly Pruitt?
Either one works…
Just check your Thesaurus under “asshole” and one could go all night with suitable Scotty sobriquets…
Truly a richness of embarrassments.
Regular Reminder to David Gregory: You were even worse at this than Chuck Todd.
(Now go back to whimpering in the dark with another pitcher of Kamikazes until your wife gets home, Dave.)
Words I would use if I were a Republican congresscritter:
Chuck Todd did sign off with some pretty epic snark about Donny’s riff that “people don’t realize” that in the Civil War “it was the Republicans who did the thing.” Even went back to Frederic Douglas doing great things.
Costello was useless. He pointed out that republicans had major issues with Obama’s EPA. REGULATIONS.
He was “troubled” by Pruitt’s answers/behavior, but he wasn’t ready to ask for his resignation.
Rep. Ryan Costello (R-PA) came down hard on EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt … saying that Pruitt lacked remorse for his alleged ethical lapses.
I’m sure Pruitt deeply regrets getting caught. Won’t that do it, this time?