“We just don’t know what the President may be intending to do.”
And this is the guy with the nuclear launch codes he’s talking about and he doesn’t think this is scary?
Trump: No, I am BULLYING Sessions. I want him to quit. Guy is a total loser. Who hired this moron?
Stewart clearly doesn’t understand Donald Trump, or the wraiths he surrounds himself with. By definition, the only people that agree to work for Trump are people who willingly submit to being bullied and dominated.
Wow. The cluelessness runs deep in this one, doesn’t it.
Congresscritter Stewart, bullying behavior is not limited to schools and playgrounds. Adults engage in it, too – and His Orangeness is infamous for it.
Sessions may be an adult but he’s still an incompetent sycophant, in keeping with the rest of those with whom Trump surrounds himself.
What kind of crap is THIS? ‘People’ shouldn’t pay attention to tweets by the President? ‘Jeff Session is an adult!’??? This is the ‘pretend’ head of your party! This is the man you elected President. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
Don’t look behind that curtain!!!
Great, you completed my thought via visualization. Thanks!
He is defining the act by the response, not by the act. File under “forcible rape.”
At this rate of denial and obfuscation, by Labor Day any question about Trump will be answered by Congressional GOPers with fingers in the ears and loud chanting “LA LA LA I DO NOT HEAR YOU LA LA LA LA LA.”
Pretty sure the WH clarified that his tweets are “official messages” from the POTUS. So… maybe ya should pay attention to them?
Hasn’t Dump already proclaimed his tweets as official commiques to be entered into the Presidential Library (our slots pay out every day!)
You don’t think the uniforms have replaced the football contents with a Nintendo console?
Indeed…the elves are a resilient and long-suffering peoples…
Donnie: I’ll play the daddy and wear a tie and carry a briefcase. Jeffie, you can be the mommy and you smile and say “yes, dear” and bring me a coke when I want.
Jeffie: But I don’ wanna.
Donnie: You better, otherwise I’m not gonna play with you!!
Jeffie: Okay, Donnie.
The GOP has lowered the bar on “being an adult”…
Still waiting for Melania to take her long-anticipated stand against cyber-bullying. Any time now.
“I don’t pay that much attention to (the tweets) and I recommend other people not pay a whole lot of attention to them because it’s not policy"
That’s a lovely, coward’s way out of having to hold the President accountable for what he says.
Whether a person is affected by bullying doesn’t mean the bullying is not taking place.