Discussion: GOP Rep. Doubles Down On 'War On Whites' Comment

There isn’t going to be a race war, at least not any time soon. Our military would be absolutely united in annihilating anyone who attempted to start one.


“I’m one of those who does not believe in racism and I believe everyone should be treated equally as American citizens.”

Excellent! So do I!

So we’ll agree that when a man says bigoted things, he doesn’t get a pass because he’s white, won’t we?

We’d never restrain ourselves from recognizing that a Klansman is a racist just because they might characterize it as discriminatory, right? Because we both know they’re a bunch of ignorant bigots, right, Mo? You don’t mind if I call you Mo, do you Mo?

You do know that all racists play this little game where they say that they’re not the racists at all, rather, it’s the people calling them out for their racism who are the racists, right?

So, explain this “war on whites” thing to me again, wouldja, Bub? Cuz I just ain’t gettin’ it. But what I am gettin’ is that you’re fitting into a pattern – hmmm – can’t quite put my finger on it…oh, it’ll come to me eventually.


“Vote for me because I’ll protect you in the ‘war on whites’. No one should say vote for me, I’m white.” Says the man using ‘war on whites’ as a way of saying “vote for me, I’m white”.


The Republican melt down continues. They are the incredible shrinking political party. All the hysterics, the screaming victim hood, the rancid hatred does nothing but high light the hole these imbeciles have sunk themselves into.


“I don’t know of a single Republican who has made an appeal for votes based on skin color. I don’t know of one”

Mo continued, “I actually know of at least five. Maybe more, but I only have five fingers.”


Never have I heard anyone say, “Vote for me because I am black, Hispanic, Asian, white or Ninja Turtle Green.”

They always try to turn it around. Everytime they point that finger they forget…or hope that the good people of this country forget…that the remaining 4 fingers are still pointing at themselves.


Agreed, PluckyInKY. The President has been very careful not to engage in the armed skirmishes that the right wing is pining for. They want martyrdom and we are refusing to give it to them.


Consider this, in particular, at 5:35 into the video:

This alleged “insider” states that it was never about black versus white, rather, white versus Feds, because the Feds hold whites back, hence the propensity to kill cops by these sovereign citizen tea party gun nut types.

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Albinos are people, too!

He’s airing a general Republican campaign theme for the midterm elections in order increase the white backlash vote in key states. He himself has little danger of being defeated.


How’s that outreach coming, Reince?


Mo has a lot of “a little out there” “opinions”:

Hayes began the interview seeking clarification on whether Brooks viewed
President Barack Obama’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DACA) order as “illegitimate,” to which the congressman responded, “Yes
I do.” Brooks stated that he supported deporting the 500,000 DREAMers
who have benefited from the president’s order, “and more.”

“There are 8 million jobs in America now held by illegal aliens, that’s 8
million job opportunities taken from American citizens,” said Brooks.
When Hayes asked the congressman if he “would like to see those 8
million deported,” Brooks answered, “Yeah, if that’s what’s necessary to
protect American jobs. Absolutely.”

I watched this in horror; the guy was expectorating more venom than a spitting cobra.


Also, ya’ll don’t forget that Republicans passed the civil rights act.


Yeah, what if say, you tried to have a St. Patrick’s Day Parade? Would never happen. Can’t do it.


I don’t know of a single Republican who has made an appeal for votes based on skin color.

A Republican having the audacity to appeal to Black voters is what the entire brouhaha in Mississippi’s Republican primary is all about.

But this is a theme I’ve noticed with racists. They get really upset and uncomfortable when anyone talks about race. It upsets them because they don’t know how to talk about race in a way that won’t get them in trouble so they wish everyone else would shut up about it.

It’s quite similar with GOP pols. They don’t know how to appeal to minority voters nor do they want to. As they watch Democrats run successful campaigns in which they target minority communities it enrages them. What’s worse is that deep down they don’t really think minorities should be allowed to vote anyway, only real 'Muricans aka Whites should have a say in who runs the country. They get all apoplectic when someone tries to appeal to minority voters because they know they’re incapable of doing it, and because they’re afraid those minorities will vote.


So says the racist bigot from the state with a racist bigoted past and present , and why do all racist claim everyone is racist but them?


He seems appalled that there are actually people who vote for their best self interests, and those of their communities. The Baggers have been duped into voting directly against their own self interests thinking they’re acting in radical self interest. Pretty slick trick.


Once again PluckyInky you’ve nailed it !


Please proceed… and try to up the ante. Idiots


Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican . . .

. . . back before they lost their minds.