My guess of how that went:
“Do you realize this bill would throw all of us into bankruptcy – or onto the street?”
“I don’t think it’s productive to engage in hypotheticals.”
He. Dodges. Everything. He holds a black belt degree in dodging. Recently he moved one of his constituent offices and didn’t leave a forwarding address so people could find it. When they did, they discovered it up a flight of stairs. And, now if you want to get into his offices to discuss any issues, you need to secure an appointment first.
Kind of like cockroaches, aren’t they? Scuttle from one dark hole to another. Ask a question and they zip away.
This guy has a lot of nerve showing up at an assisted living facility (of all places for a 1%'er GOP health-care thief to make an appearance).
This is the very definition of being a chicken-shit!
Humm, an Elected Representative refusing to answer questions from constituents - guess those dummies in Maine got what they voted for, a Fascist.
Sounds like it was even worse…
“If you’re not a resident of my district then you can live in the street for all I care.”
I wonder if he loses re election, would it be to another GOP congresscritter?
. . . to promote his proposal to sell off federally owned buildings in order to fund a one-year cost of living increase for Social Security recipients.
Jesus. Ordinarily, one must go to an aspiring demagogue in some some third world country whose infrastructure, economy and tax base has been destroyed by decades of civil war to hear a proposal like that.
"…we knew that when Poliquin said that he was coming to make an announcement that it was going to be bullshit.”
I do love a nursing home resident who just cuts to the chase. Well done, ma’am!
Congressman: Do not worry! YOUR president has applied his UNBELIEVABLE deal-making skills to this very problem. He just tweeted about it:
“Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Senior Citizens Security unit so that questions from the public & many other negative things will be guarded against.”
Another Maine abomination who won because of a third party spoiler (he won 47-41-11 in 2014). Just like LePage. I don’t know enough about Maine politics to comment, but I thought that LePage was the exception.
Is some rightist billionaire funding protest candidates so Teahadists can grease their way in?
Somebody oughta tell him to “get out of Dodge”…
…in his Dodge…
Oh jesus…we sell off buildings THAT WE WILL NEVER GET BACK to fund a one year increase? Did Mama NEVER sit around the kitchen table with you???
Dolt 45 must have written it. Idiots.
When I went to the WH feed (which I’m not following) some moments ago the vid was still proudly pinned at the top.
““He said nothing and made a beeline to the restroom,” Newell wrote. “Unfortunately it was the door to the women’s restroom that he had first run to…”
What is it with Republicans and bathrooms?
Symptom of being unceasingly full of shit.