Brat’s gleeful smile at the just oh-so-hilarious joke shows just how sincerely he mourns the death of Ambassador Stevens. Hardy-har-har.
That’s right, blame the other side that no one on your staff is properly training the newbies.
VA Dems, please win back the legislature and redistrict this fucker into a blue district.
I’m sure he’d be OK with a Democrat sarcastically recommending George Bush as Iraqi Ambassador.
What is wrong with these people?
Oh never mind…
Also three: Is this the look alike dork that took Eric Cantor’s seat?
Ah, the ol’ blame-it-on-a-staffer gambit.
Never take responsibility for the people you’ve hired and direct, Brat. Oh, no, don’t take any responsibility for the tone you’ve set since you ran your first primar ycampaign and while you’ve been in office.
Not sure how new they are, he has been in office for three years now. And I am willing to go out on a limb, and say they did precisely what was expected of them by their boss.
Nice thought. Unfortunately, he’s from a generally red part of Virginia, so that’d take some pretty contorted map drawing.
Creatively managing to blend the level II and level IV nonpologies into one Frankenstein nonpology.
I. I am sorry if anyone was offended.
II. I do not know why what I said was offensive to some, but I apologize if anyone was unhinged enough to find it offensive.
III. I apologize to those who were offended.
IV. We are very sorry our unsupervised unpaid intern or low-level employee said or did that offensive thing without our knowledge or direction.
For sheer nastiness and mean-spiritedness, you really can’t beat today’s Republican party. It’s like a tic with them–they can’t help it.
But they would never advocate violence against anyone! This is not nearly as bad as, say, staging a Shakespeare play to reflect modern politics, which is a horrible thing that Rs would never do.
Class all the way.
poor baby sno-flake flame thrower, can dish it out but not take it, boo hoo, I know, blame it on some anon somebody who doesn’t have to answer for it! The Repube way!
but then turn and whine when it wasn’t received as being humorous
It’s all fun and games until the Dems take both houses and elect Hillz Speaker, butthead.
Brat’s district must love horrible people to represent them.
Is Dave endorsing the “Factory direct ammo” sign in the background of the photo?
Brat chose to hold the sign with him. No accountability.