Yes I suppose you can argue President Obama is a racist too, if your argument is as twisted as a gordian knot.
Isn’t it wonderful to know that the Trump supporters and surrogates are so fucking clueless? It’s like they’re overdosing on a new flavor of ice cream - Palin Pecan Praline.
This is literally exactly what Trump instructed his surrogates to do.
“…with the way I define racism…”
I’m so glad you’ve decided to redefine racism for us all. I guess we’ve just been doing it wrong all this time! Whitesplaining is so fun.
You can easily argue that the president of the United States is a racist with his policies and his rhetoric," Zeldin told CNN on Tuesday
The fact that POTUS refuses to stop being Black means he’s a racist. To me.
“Being a little racist or very racist is not okay, but, quite frankly, the agenda that I see and all the microtargeting to blacks and Hispanics from a policy standpoint, you know, that’s more offensive to me,” Zeldin said in reference to what he called the “Democratic” agenda.
The fact that Dems aren’t willing to treat Black and brown people like sh*t means it’s racist. To me.
“See, Trump is only pretend racist, because he’s trying to win a lawsuit by complaining outside the courtroom. But Obama is a real racist. Because he’s black.”
How many dummies can The Good Ship Trump take on board before it capsizes.
“You can easily argue that the president of the United States is a racist…”
If you’re clinically insane.
Or a Republican.
But I repeat myself…
Harry Hurt III biographer… books still in print expensive these days.
“Being a little racist or very racist is not okay, but, quite frankly, the agenda that I see and all the microtargeting to blacks and Hispanics from a policy standpoint, you know, that’s more offensive to me,” Zeldin said in reference to what he called the “Democratic” agenda. (Some DuckFuck from New York)
I don’t think your definition of racism and Webster’s Dictionary’s definition of racism are even close.
I find it funny, sad, but funny, that your fee-fees are hurt that the Democratic Party–and President Obama, in particular–are “racist” because they reach out to and strive to include minorities in the process.
More of this, PLEASE!! The DNC and Hillary won’t have to spend half their war chest on opposition advertisements if you not-so good ole boys keep speaking up. Please don’t stop.
Thank you.
I used to depend on journalists. Those were the days.
To-day, the hapless Millennials (many of whom have never seen a real journalist live on TV) will be called upon to resist a Rovian juggernaut.
At this time, nothing that the GOP says relates to the welfare of the Republic. One Hundred Percent of all any GOP politician says is for one purpose and one purpose only:
Maintaining power in as many facets of our government at possible.
Finally! Some false equivalence wolf blitzer can lead with tonight. I’m sure he was sweating…
Dumpster fire, meet gasoline!
We would LOVE to see about 30-50 House Reps go underwater and politically drown this fall in the election. (I don’t want them to die, just get so drenched in their own dirty sewer of racism and fear-mongering that they lose their local elections back into Congress, replaced by Dems. Also, about a dozen senators should go away from DC that same way, too. Imagne, a 60 Senate Democratic majority. Heaven!
“You can easily argue that the president of the United States is a racist with his policies and his rhetoric,” Zeldin told CNN on Tuesday as he was grilled about Trump’s accusations that U.S. District Court Gonzalo Curiel, who is hearing lawsuits against Trump University, was biased against him.
whoever was interviewing him needs to be fired.
Zeldin said Tuesday that even if he thought Trump’s judge comments were unfortunate, he would not withdraw his endorsement.
“There’s inspiration to be found, because all across the board this isn’t just one candidate for president of the United States,” Zeldin said. "We have people who are in elected office at federal level, state level, people running for office who with statements and with policy, arguably with the way I define racism, fit the bill."
and chances are, the majority of them are modern day Republicans…
More bitter than sweet in its flavor profile.
You mean that incompetent old white man hack on CNN? When was the last time that man said something important or asked a relevant logical question of a Republican? I think it was around 2001—9/11
Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY)
More precisely, that should be:
Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-Hamptons)
“We have people who are in elected office at federal level, state level, people running for office who with statements and with policy, arguably with the way I define racism, fit the bill.”
Much like the way he defines “elitist” as any person with the ability to think critically.